Fuga boss sees bright future in local DSPs and blockchain technology

Fuga boss Pieter van Rijn has been outlining where he sees future revenue growth coming from, in his speech at the Music Ally China Digital Summit.

“The continuous rise of UGC and social platforms in combination with the emergence of significant locational DSPs in, for instance, Asia and Latin America is really important and it will continue to unlock growth and value for existing and future content,” he said, before predicting that the music industry’s data analysis capabilities will enable it to be “more predictive and more prescriptive”.

Van Rijn also cited blockchain technology as encouraging. “The word that at some point was very popular, then became a bit of a swear word, and is now back on the table again,” as he put it.

“Blockchain, we think, will enable rights ownership transparency and ultimately more payment efficiency and accuracy. Artificial intelligence will enable the creation and the tagging of music in a more effective way, and so that it can be found better, for instance, sync purposes. And finally, directive fan engagements, new platforms emerging, whereby artists can engage directly with our fans for promotions [and] to do transactions.”

The Music Ally China Digital Summit, in association with MQA and sponsored by Blokur and Fuga, runs until this Thursday (9 September) and you can still register here for a free ticket to watch its sessions.

Stuart Dredge

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