How Goji Crypto Will Revolutionize Blockchain for Business

Blockchain currency has become a hot topic over the last year. In Q2 of 2021 the two biggest names in crypto, Bitcoin and Ethereum, reached all-time-highs of over $63,000 and $4,100 respectively. Many other projects also saw astronomical gains, from decentralized cellular networks to dog-based memecoins.

A question of use-case remained unanswered among many cryptocurrency investors and skeptics alike: what’s the real value of a currency that isn’t accepted by the vast majority of businesses? While some services provide the ability to make debit-like transactions with a few specific currencies, thousands of new crypto projects have emerged that must be swapped to other currencies in order to be used as currency, often incurring high fees.

That’s where Goji Crypto comes in.

What is Goji Crypto?

Goji Crypto (“Goji”) is a multifaceted project with the goal of combining the community-driven investment potential of cryptocurrency with the use-case potential of the blockchain. The project focused on a two-sided approach for building its foundation.

The first side of Goji is its community-oriented approach. From its inception, Goji has maintained a strong emphasis on building a vibrant, community-driven ecosystem of ERC-20 tokens that could provide wealth enhancement opportunities for its retail investors. Through the use of upcoming Goji developed dApps such as the GojiSwap Exchange, retail investors will have the opportunity to earn a residual passive income from staking Goji’s assets. The team is also in the process of building a project called Hanuversity that will offer a broad range of relevant educational resources for new and veteran retail investors alike. This community-driven ecosystem provides a stable means for Goji’s business platform to adopt its tokens as the transactional base layer.
The other side of the project is a future Software as a Service (SaaS) platform that aims to allow businesses to leverage the power of the blockchain with ease. With an easy-to-use single pane dashboard, the Goji platform will provide a portal for businesses to conduct all types of transactions across the Ethereum blockchain. From filling gaps in payment processing systems to transferring critical documents that may require an audit trail, Goji will have an easily adaptable and scalable solution with its multi-tenant architecture. 

There are a total of four ERC20 coins making up the foundation of Goji Crypto:

  • Hanu Yokia ($HANU)
  • Mia Neko ($MIA)
  • Goji ($GOJ)
  • Safaia Gabanansu, the community’s Governance Token ($GABA)

These four cryptocurrencies will be utilized to process exchanges within the SaaS back end, mitigating the need for personnel who are well-versed in blockchain technology. The vast majority of the tokens allocated between the liquidity pool and team wallets have been locked by the developers for 1-10 years to demonstrate the team’s dedication to this project.

Platform Advantages

Blockchain technology offers a number of inherent advantages for transactions:

  • Cost effectiveness
  • Improved speed and efficiency
  • Enhanced security
  • Publicly auditable and traceable exchanges
  • Worldwide access

An important goal of the Goji Crypto platform is to utilize these advantages with breadth and customization for each client, but enabling individual customization in a cloud-based multi-tenant architecture requires a novel approach. To achieve this advanced functionality Goji Crypto leverages a microservice, non-intrusive, customizable framework for multi-tenant. The customizable capabilities means that the microservices that are customized for each tenant are isolated from the main platform interface and from other customized microservices from other tenants.

In a nutshell: the software will allow businesses and consumers as much access to cryptocurrency utilization as desired in the simplest way possible.

Retail Investor Focused Developments

The Goji Crypto project has always been dedicated to community development and transparency. As the project has developed so did other ideas for improving access to blockchain exchanges. Services such as token locks, token swaps, staking, and farming currently come with issues of accessibility and high fees. To combat these problems, the Goji team has expanded on the original SaaS project with more upcoming software developments.

  • GojiSwap – the decentralized community platform with customizable variable rate fees for retail investors; empowering developers, liquidity providers, and traders to participate in a financial marketplace that is open and accessible.
  • GojiLock – allows blockchain projects to lock their ERC20 tokens and Liquidity Provider tokens in a non-custodial, time-released Smart Contract vault. Goji Lock was implemented to provide business value within the Goji ecosystem, including a revenue stream and cost reduction up to 2% per lock.
  • Goji Farming – decentralized applications that allow blockchain projects to add a yield farm for their own token and help drive liquidity to their own projects. The Goji Crypto ecosystem will use this service internally for business value and cost reduction. 
  • Goji Staking – a decentralized application that allows blockchain projects to stake their own coins/tokens and provide incentives to their own community; also to be used internally for business value and cost reduction.
  • Goji Pay –  a decentralized application that will help users bring all of their payments together through one integration. Merchants can create a widget and start accepting payments in all Goji Crypto tokens. Payments are deposited in selected business wallets and transactions are recorded and auditable.
  • Goji Bridge – a protocol bridge gives the ability to transfer tokens and/or arbitrary data from one blockchain network to another (e.g. transferring between Binance Chain and Ethereum Mainnet). Both chains can have different protocols, rules, and governance models. This will provide a compatible way to exchange data in an interoperated secure fashion.
  • Hanuversity – the purpose of Hanuversity is to provide retail investors the knowledge to alleviate the stresses of investing while achieving prosperity. This community-focused project will cover everything from trading platforms to determining value propositions of use-cases, to more advanced topics such as how to read a coin contract to understand its functionality.

The Mind Behind the Project

Stephen Banner is the lead developer for Goji Crypto. From day one of the project, Stephen has remained transparent about his goals and experience as a developer, going so far as to post his LinkedIn on Goji’s public channels.

With more than two decades of experience in network and cloud engineering, he entered blockchain-based development with a plethora of knowledge to guide his ingenuity. He currently works as a Corporate VP of Cloud Computing who manages and leads a team of architects that deliver innovative solutions and drive the future direction of a major national insurance corporation.

When not immediately engaged in his numerous professional roles, Stephen remains an active member of the Goji Crypto online forums, making sure to continue communication between the team and the community.

More Information on Goji Crypto

Goji Crypto is frequently updating its website, social media pages, and chat servers to provide the community with the most up-to-date information. To read more about the project itself or how to invest, click the links below to the available communication channels.