February 3, 2025

West Plains, Mo. man finds $175 trillion in his cryptocurrency account

WEST PLAINS, Mo. (KY3) – Greg Peugh began investing in crypto currency about six months ago. He spread his investment across several different accounts, putting just a small amount, $350, into Rocket Bunny, a newcomer to the crypto currency scene.

On the morning of June 19, he checked his accounts, which he manages through a company called Coinbase. When he scrolled down to Rocket Bunny, he was stunned to see more than $175 trillion in the account.

“My eyes got really big, and I just thought, ‘Whoa! That can’t be right,” said Peugh. “I closed the app and reopened it, and the number was the same.”

Peugh knew there must be a glitch in the system, but he couldn’t resist telling his wife, Sandy, that they were trillionaires, and showed her the screen on his phone. He sent an email to Coinbase explaining the situation, and received a computer-generated, generic response. The Rocket Bunny website did not list any contact information.

Later that day, he told a friend David Moore, who happens to be a local “IT guru” what happened. Moore just happens to know the creator of Rocket Bunny, who only identifies himself publicly as, “Sycore.” Today, Moore put Sycore on speakerphone with Peugh and a KY3 reporter. He explained that the problem stemmed from a Coinbase issue, not from Rocket Bunny.

“We’ve had a few people contact us about similar situations,” said Sycore. “The first thing they want to know is if they can cash out,” he added. “They’re pretty disappointed when we telIl them that’s not going to work.”

In the past few days, the amount showing in Peugh’s account has dropped to a measly $159 trillion. “That’s still a pretty good return on a $350 investment,” said Peugh.

KY3 contacted Rocket Bunny via email, and received a response saying, “The team is in touch with the customer and continues to work on the display error in Coinbase Wallet.”

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