Free foundation prog in blockchain technology- The New Indian Express

By Express News Service

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Aimed at familiarising students with latest technologies, the Digital University of Kerala (DUK) is gearing up to provide a free foundation programme in blockchain technology. The online course is offered in collaboration with Kerala Blockchain Academy (KBA) and Kerala Development Innovation and Strategic Council (K-DISC). The course will be beneficial for a wider group of school students to graduates.

“The foundation pogramme is designed in such a way that it benefits both technical and non-technical takers from all backgrounds including engineering, sciences and arts. The 30-hour programme offers a deeper understanding of the capabilities and limitations of blockchain technology and also the future of blockchain technology. Participants can walk out with a digital blockchain-powered certificate,” said Dr Asharaf S, professor-in-charge of KBA and Dean (Research & Development), DUK.

The first batch will start on August 1. KBA has trained thousands of people in blockchain through its instructor-led Accelerated Blockchain Capacity Development (ABCD) programme that it conducts in collaboration with K-DISC. Registration for the foundation programme starts on July 19. To register, visit