Dice LA Rebrands as “Ripple Effect” Continues Work on Battlefield 2042


in General | Jul, 9th 2021

DICE is a company that a lot of EA fans will recognize, being the minds behind the hit FPS Title Battlefield. After working on the series for so long, they’ve decided to shift gears after finishing work on Battlefield 2042, and with this change of pace, comes a fresh new name for the company, as DICE LA is now going to be known as Ripple Effect Studios. 

With a new name like Ripple Effect, comes a new mission statement from the studio, according to the leader of Ripple Effect Christian Glass “At Ripple Effect Studios, innovation and quality are at the forefront of every project as even the smallest idea can change the world. This is the defining characteristic behind the studio’s new name.

Glass continued his explanation about the focus of Ripple Effect, stating that over the past eight years of working as DICE, the team at DICE La have developed their own culture, and is looking to the future, as Ripple Effect is planning on becoming their own studio with their own identity, making the company something more than just the developer for Battlefield. This breaking away from corporate publishers like EA and Activision is something a lot of developers have been doing, making their own studios, This has already happened with esteemed designer Hideo Kojima, when he departed from Konami, as well as Former Story Director of Call of Duty Zombies, Jason Blundell. Although, while Ripple Effect is still going to be working with EA, it seems that the company is going to be gaining some independence to make what projects they want to make, with Battlefield 2042 being the swan song of the company.

Here to oversee the building of Ripple Effect is the founder of Respawn Entertainment.  Another company born from an established developer, this being Infinity Ward, as the team that was responsible for the creation of Call of Duty split from the developer to make their own studio, where they developed the TitanFall series, as well as making the ever-popular battle royale game, Apex Legends. When asked about Ripple Effect, founder of Respawn Entertainment, Vince Zampella had this to say about the studio. “The studio has a great track record and is set to grow into another stronghold of high-quality games, With an amazing new campus coming to Los Angeles and remote positions available, now is a great time to consider joining us.

Ripple Effect is still going to be present at EA Play on July 22nd, which is said to include a possible reveal of a Dead Space Remake, as well as more information about the upcoming Battlefield 2042. However, aside from both Glass and Zampella being present for the segment, “The future of FPS” Ripple effect is going to be showing off the “highly-anticipated next major experience” during the showcase. What this could be is up for debate, there is a possibility that Ripple Effect and Respawn have been collaborating behind the scenes and working on a possible Titanfall 3, which could be good news for fans seeing that the company has been in hot water with their handling of cheaters on both of the titles, enough so that players have hacked Apex Legends to voice their concerns about the FPS series.

However, that is all speculation. Player’s won’t know what’s next for Ripple Effect until EA Play, until then, all players have to go off of is the name and their mission statement.