A Long-Term Ripple Price Prediction for 2021, 2025, and 2030


Ripple Labs initiated its business in 2012 under the name of Opencoin. XRP has been traded with solid volume since it started to make formal agreements with financial institutions. Ripple Labs started with the promise of providing its users a revolutionary payment protocols system for banking transactions with quicker times to settle the transfer of funds at cheaper costs.

The value of XRP/USD has been very volatile since 2017. My Ripple price prediction for 2025 sees the coin trading between $1.15 and $8. By the year 2030 Ripple could be valued between $6 and $15. These forecasts are based on market sentiment and the utilitarian capabilities of Ripple via its XRP coin.

The XRP/USD coin’s primary use is making the clearing of funds easier for financial institutions and businesses associated with them. XRP/USD not a ‘standard’ cryptocurrency like many of its major counterparts, the distributed ledger from Ripple is internal. Ripple Labs coding is ‘open source’, but XRP/USD uses a centralized system in which Ripple controls the allocation of the XRT coins, sometimes to the dismay of its skeptics.

The fact that XRP/USD is centralized has become not only a ‘concern’ for many cryptocurrency influencers, but has also created a legal argument with the SEC. The Security Exchange Commission has in essence declared they believe the XRT coin is a ‘secured asset’, which would mean it has legal oversight domain. An official lawsuit was initiated by the SEC in December of 2020 against Ripple Labs and some of its executives. A contested fight within the U.S court system is anticipated.

Is Ripple Undervalued?

Ripple’s XRP coin does not have an unlimited supply. The initial minting of XRP coins was said to be 100 billion. The current price of XRP/USD is near $0.67 cents. In early April 2021, XRP/USD was trading within sight of $2.00 as the broad cryptocurrency market enjoyed a heightened state of exuberance.

The fall to its current price level has XRP/USD testing important support values which were last seen earlier in 2021. A fall below its current price range which is slightly above $0.60 might create another surge of selling, but it could also make XRP/USD relatively cheap in the eyes of its backers and give them a reason to pursue buying positions.

XRP/USD Price Chart April – June 2021

XRP/USD Price Chart April – June 2021

XRP/USD does have real utilitarian capabilities because it is used by some banks via Ripple’s cash transactions system. While there is a substantial ‘group’ of influencers who cast criticism Ripple’s way for not being part of the ‘democratic’ flow of decentralized money, this argument can cut both ways and allows the ‘backers’ of XRP/USD to argue it has a more transparent and secure system than other cryptocurrencies.

XRP/USD is an important fixture in the world of cryptocurrency even in the midst of the legal fight between Ripple and the SEC.  XRP/USD is currently ranked as the 7th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.

Ripple Market Capitalization in USD, 2017 - 2021

Ripple Market Capitalization in USD, 2017 – 2021

While the current market price as of this writing for Ripple is about $0.67, only a couple of months ago, XRP/USD was trading near $1.90. XRP/USD has traded at even higher values, which also means it has faced stronger headwinds which have tested the value and emotional fortitude of Ripple and its speculators.

XRP/USD Price Chart 2020 - 2021

XRP/USD Price Chart 2020 – 2021

Negative Headwinds Against Ripple’s Valuation

In 2017 when the cryptocurrency market was enjoying its first speculative mania, Ripple achieved a price of nearly $3.50. XRP/USD like many other cryptocurrencies appeared to be in a race to the moon. This fever pitch eroded with devastating speed.

Like all the major cryptocurrencies XRP/USD fell hard. XRP/USD not only slipped in value, but it struggled over the next two years and in May of 2020, was trading near $0.12. However, XRP/USD did not vanish, and it made outstanding gains early in 2021, which caused prices to be viewed as overvalued by many. The jump higher in value demonstrated real signs of creating a strong foundation in November of 2020.

Ripple is still under a cloud caused by the SEC lawsuit. The SEC is suing because it claims Ripple operated enterprise across U.S state lines with unlawful transactions, but Ripple and its business associates in the banking industry continue to work together internationally seemingly unfazed.

SEC detractors may argue that Ripple was chosen for this lawsuit because it is the easiest and biggest ‘cryptocurrency’ to go after. Ripple is an actual corporate entity with a known address. Ripple and its executives have been accused of conducting bank transactions using a system it was not supposed to operate, ‘known’ to be against U.S laws.


The U.S government may one day officially try to regulate Bitcoin but does the U.S government truly have a capability for total supervision of decentralized cryptocurrencies? Going after the major cryptocurrencies and exchanges for value, via tax revenues and fees that could be charged is certainly an avenue for governments to pursue but remains a difficult task.  The core centralized foundation of Ripple via its trading of XRP coins makes it easier to make a case against for the SEC to focus a lawsuit.

Premium Risk: Case for Discounted Trading in Ripple

What should intrigue retail speculators is whether the ongoing SEC lawsuit is depressing the price of XRP/USD. When the case is finally settled – no matter the outcome because traders will have clarity – the risk premium which likely now serves as a negative may become an actual benefit for optimistic speculators.  The value of XRP/USD could be given a push higher, potentially a strong one.

The SEC lawsuit might run for another one or two years. Traders are not about to be delivered a sudden dose of revelations regarding the SEC and XRP/USD. So, the shadow which has been cast will remain over the medium-term.

Ripple has been de-listed by many major U.S based cryptocurrency exchanges as they await the results of the lawsuit. When the result from the lawsuit becomes known, many U.S cryptocurrency exchanges will likely open again to trading in XRP/USD.

If the decision goes against Ripple and it is defined as a secured asset, the SEC could be given authority to regulate Ripple; there could be more price pressure on Ripple which may have a negative impact for value.  However, speculators would at least have resolution and some of this negative value has probably already been baked into the value of XRP/USD.

Current Price and Sentiment Viewpoint for XRP/USD

Even as BTC/USD and ETH/USD reached new epic highs during the recent bullish round of exuberance in the cryptocurrency marketplace, XRP/USD did not.  Yes, Ripple traded within sight of $2.00 in early April 2021, but XRP/USD remained well below the all-time highs achieved in late December 2017 and early January 2018, when it briefly traded near $3.34. This suggests that when the outcome of the SEC lawsuit against Ripple becomes known this could increase the value of XRP/USD.

XRP/USD Long-Term Price Extremes Chart

XRP/USD Long-Term Price Extremes Chart

Ripple Future Price Prediction: 30% Rise in Value Opportunity for XRP/USD?

Ripple may be 30% undervalued because of the U.S regulatory shadow. Quantifying the amount of negative influence is difficult, but there seems to be evidence which suggests it exists.

The possibility the bad news has already been factored into the price of XRP/USD and that it is trading with a potential discount factored into the current price may be seen as a positive by optimistic speculators.

There are reports that Ripple has been cooperating with the U.S government as it fights the imposition of regulatory mandates. The discovery ‘round’ of the U.S lawsuit brought forth by the SEC is still expanding. The U.S government and Ripple have not agreed which documents should be handed over as evidence. It should also be noted that if Ripple were to lose its lawsuit that it could appeal the decision. If the case concludes favorably for Ripple, it seems likely that its price could rise by 25%.

The longer the lawsuit continues, the more likely that speculators will grow more confident that Ripple can flourish within a ‘grey’ area pending a formal conclusion.

Buying Ripple in the USA

U.S citizens resident in the USA currently have a hard time buying XRP/USD. U.S cryptocurrency exchanges have been warned to stop allowing XRP/USD to be traded on their platforms until the SEC lawsuit is finalized. However, U.S citizens are still legally allowed to own Ripple, and they can buy it on some foreign exchanges. The U.S cryptocurrency exchanges’ ban on trading Ripple has certainly not suppressed its price.


Ripple Outlook for 2021

The events of May and June 2021 demonstrated that XRP/USD maintains major speculative characteristics, it continues to produce volume and volatility. Ripple has shown a capacity to nearly triple, then lose, a large amount of value, accomplishing this in quick short bursts of directional movement. Ripple remains a paradise for aggressive speculators who like price action and can accept risk.

XRP/USD 6 Month Volatility Price Chart

XRP/USD 6 Month Volatility Price Chart

With highs achieved already near $2 in 2021, what is the chance Ripple will recover from its recent fall as it trades near $0.67? Speculators must accept the level of volatility seen in cryptocurrencies and understand percentage changes of more than 10%, sometimes in the span of one day, are part of the trading landscape.  Even while XRP is not exactly one of the ‘favorites’ among many influencers, it still is largely affected by the broad market sentiment generated in the cryptocurrency world and its values rise and fall correlated with the broader crypto market.

It is easy to forecast that Ripple will suffer from volatile declines and enjoy the fruits of gains like other major cryptocurrencies. XRP/USD traders should watch the current support levels of $0.50 and $0.40 cents. If Ripple were to bounce from tests of these levels, it is conceivable the cryptocurrency could test January values once again within a few weeks.

The six-month volatility of XRP/USD has clearly been demonstrated. Speculators who like risk reward scenarios may believe there is not much to lose by buying XRP/USD at these ‘cheap’ prices. The use of leverage is important and the amount of time a position can be held if it is only speculative is crucial because there may be carrying cost associated with holding positions of XRP/USD over the long term. If a trader can manage to risk only a small percentage of their portfolio and buy Ripple for a relatively long-term hold, it may prove worthwhile.

A Ripple price prediction for 2021 year-end is between $0.35 cents $2.00. Much will depend upon broad market sentiment, having generated a high of nearly $2.00 already in 2021; an XRP/USD price prediction for 2021 at or above that price would clearly require attracting bullish speculators to buy over the remainder of the year.

Ripple Outlook for 2023

If you simply want to buy Ripple at its current price and hope for gains near term that is speculative. However, within the next couple of years, the cryptocurrency could realistically climb to a price of $2.50 if market conditions improve. A speculative investor would need to buy XRP and hold the digital currency within a secure cryptocurrency exchange and wallet to profit from these possible results. The costs of transaction fees over the long term could dramatically erode the value of any.

By the end of 2021, the price of Ripple could be between $0.25 and $4.50 depending on the circumstances of the U.S lawsuit and technical sentiment within the broad cryptocurrency market.  It is quite possible that Ripple will emerge because of its regulatory fight in a ‘trusted’ position via an agreed upon mandate with the U.S government, which could help its value as opposed to the other major cryptocurrencies.

If there is a bonus of 25 to 30 percent value added with a positive outcome delivered via the SEC lawsuit, it is justifiable to believe XRP/USD could be near $5.00 if optimism prevails again in the cryptocurrency market and speculators are feeling exuberant. If things go badly and the market loses its attractiveness, Ripple could survive this landscape too, because it might continue to make a case for a utilitarian business use – and this might add fire to arguments for the value of Ripple remaining robust over the years to come, although with perhaps more conservative gains.

Ripple Outlook for 2025

If by the start of 2025 regulatory issues are resolved and the business model for Ripple has gained greater momentum, then it is easy to suggest a potential 2025 XRP/USD price prediction as high as $8.00, but for this to happen there will have to also be positive momentum within the broad cryptocurrency market. Speculative optimism remains strong for XRP/USD if its business model continues to develop. While many cryptos remain flawed regarding their user case, Ripple has produced an effective perspective to examine regarding a longer term outlook. Ripple could soar based on sentiment and technical trading in the years to come. Yet, it could crash too, as it has done a few times over the last four years.

Ripple is not likely to disappear. Its core business is now integrated into many major banks and because of this fact it has inserted itself into enterprises and is needed for these businesses to function. The U.S. SEC lawsuit is not likely to knock Ripple out of business. The overall effect on associated Ripple enterprises might be too great a risk for the U.S government to pressure. A lawsuit loss for Ripple will likely come via a fine and agreed upon settlement, but it is likely Ripple will be allowed to conduct business, which is positive for the value of XRP/USD in the long term. This means that the XRP/USD in the mid-term and long-term is likely undervalued.

The business model of Ripple may in fact be already too indispensible for many banks and the businesses they transact with using XRP. The costs of truly crippling XRP/USD would be unacceptably high for financial institutions, and it is likely these financial institutions will make their voices be heard when a judgment is made regarding Ripple. So, the question is how much of this ‘positive’ sentiment is already baked into the value of XRP/USD? Do the negative and positive simply balance their spheres via ‘insider’ trading sentiment regarding market value on the exchanges as the digital currency trades? Speculators have interesting choices to make in the long term. The likely answer is that negative sentiment still is causing some headwinds regarding value.

Potential Negative Factors for Ripple’s Long-Term Outlook

If XPP/USD continues to find it has a legitimate use in banking transactions, its value should go up. The objective of creating a fast settlement platform for exchanging money along with very low transaction fees has attracted financial institutions to Ripple. Again, the supply of Ripple is not unlimited, its value certainly increases and decreases per a speculative element. However, if the number of transactions rises via the Ripple payments system, this should boost the underlying value.

Ripple is likely not used by ‘darker elements’ within the cryptocurrency world to make transactions, because the trading is done through a centralized platform which in theory is open to being tracked by governments. Ripple is not desired by people and organizations wanting to remain discreet. The purchasing of XRP is not being driven by a need to hide money from government jurisdictions. This law-abiding characteristic could be another positive element for the long-term value of XRP/USD.

Fundamental and Technological Considerations for Long-Term Ripple Outlook

Speculating on cryptocurrencies including Ripple is a guessing game in many ways. Too many variables still exists which are unknown. Business models for many cryptocurrencies will certainly be tested in the coming years, they will be proven or they will fail. There is also a question regarding where the technology of blockchain – decentralized and centralized versions will evolve regarding the trajectory in the payment industry for transactions. Some cryptocurrencies obviously have no need for these worries and are quite simply aimed at speculators as a source to wager on values.

How much allure will XRP/USD continue to have as a speculative asset? Over the next handful of years it is quite easy to visualize a change to the cryptocurrency environment which will test the core principles of digital currencies: regulations, utilitarian ability, secure transactions, safe storage, and the speculative avenues to name a few things will all impact values on a constant basis as the technology and its functions are judged.

Regulations have been discussed above along with utilitarian use. However, there is a strong question regarding the radical changes that will likely happen regarding security of transactions, coding via decentralized and centralized cryptos and what type of dangers lurk from the field of breaches via hacking and other criminal enterprises which could have an impact on valuations.  If for example quantum computing takes hold, the value of cryptocurrencies could be affected, because many digital currencies could become vulnerable to stronger computing technology. Will Ripple actually find that these questions can be met with positive answers and help its overall value?

This raises the point of evolution regarding the survival of the fittest, and how it will affect cryptocurrencies.  Ripple may find another advantage in the digital currency world when these considerations are contemplated. If regulatory bodies do grow stronger, and jurisdiction and supervision of cryptocurrencies mounts which is likely to be the case, this suggests better days are ahead for XRP/USD.

Governments did not pay much attention to cryptocurrencies when they were considered a small niche industry for speculators worth only a few billions of dollars in total market capitalization. However now that cryptocurrencies have increased in allure and the speculative capital within the sector has become huge, with valuations of over $1 trillion, governments will feel obligated to not only safeguard their citizens, but also try and make money off the cryptocurrencies via taxation of transactions, cross border user fees, and profits made via trading. Governments seldom turn down an opportunity to cash in on profitable tax opportunities.

This leaves the door open for XRT/USD to potentially find additional value, because it has already dealt with regulatory mandates due to the oversight it is experiencing via the SEC. If Ripple has already had to go through a bureaucratic process and comes through the other side still standing, then it may be more prepared for the environment which will develop compared to other major cryptocurrencies.

XRP/USD Difficult Month June 2021

Final Thoughts 

The question is frequently asked: which major cryptocurrencies will be left standing five years from now? It is reasonable wager to assume Ripple will be one of the survivors within the long term cryptocurrency competition for validation. If the broad market has improved its transaction ability via evolving applications, there is good reason to believe XRP/USD will be one of the benefactors within this technology race. This will give traders the opportunity to continue to speculate on XRP/USD in the years to come.

While some cryptocurrency influencers may be against Ripple because of its centralized structure, XRP should find itself in a positive and transparent light. The ability to conduct business using digital currencies in the future which has greater value due to an intrinsic need for Ripple services could grow in the future due to an evolution in banking and the ability to purchase other goods via XRP.

If the cryptocurrency world remains standing five and ten years from now, there is a chance that it will not be easy to recognize from its current state. The cryptocurrencies that remain in the years to come are likely to be strong.  Ripple will derive value due to a steady diet of speculative sentiment, but more importantly due to its technological ability which has proven worthwhile.

Ripple coin (XRP) price predictions from 2021 to 2030:

July 2021 – July 2022 – Ripple predictions: $0.35 cents to $2.75

July 2022- July 2024 – Ripple predictions:  $0.75 cents to $5.00

Ripply price prediction 2025: $1.15 to $8.00

2030 – Ripple prediction: $6.00 to $15.00


What will XRP be worth in 2030?

I predict that XRP will be worth between $6 and $15 in 2030.

What will Ripple be worth in 2025?

I predict that XRP will be worth between $1.15 and $8 in 2025.

Will Ripple hit $10?

Ripple is unlikely to hit $10 before 2025.

Will Ripple hit $5?

Ripple may hit $5 after mid-2022 if crypto continues to thrive as an asset class and Ripple’s use case holds up under the SEC lawsuit.