Ripple effects not likely as state agency delays plan to change Covid workplace restrictions

Fairfield — The Department of State, responsible for workplace safety, has postponed a decision to ease Covid-related restrictions.

The Occupational Health and Safety Department on Wednesday night made a June 3 decision to ease the masking and social distance requirements approved in line with the cancellation of the blueprint governor’s office for a safer economy on Tuesday. Withdrawn.

Unless otherwise taken, Cal-OSHA regulations will be effective until October 2. The board of directors will then meet from June 17th to 18th.

The county’s public health officer, Dr. Bella Matthias, said he did not understand the decision but did not believe it would affect the county’s progress.

Twenty-six new cases were reported in the county on Thursday, with three in state prisons for a total of 33,565. There were 13 in Vacaville and 8 in Fairfield.

There were no new Covid-related deaths, numbering 244, 14 of whom were from prison and 14 were hospitalized for the disease, as on Wednesday.

The total number of fairfield cases is 9,120 and that of Vacaville is 8,818. The county reported that Vallejo added three cases to increase its number to 9,908.

There was one new case in Benicia (1,003) and Rio Vista (392), and no new reports in Swiss City (2,293), Dixon (1,922), or the county’s unincorporated area (103).

The 7-day positive test rate was reported to be 5.5%. The county reported that the number of active cases decreased from 69 to 60.

Solano County has announced that starting the week of June 21, the Public Health Department will update the Covid Report only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

“And eventually I plan to go once a week,” Matthias said.

Most people with Covid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus, experience only mild or moderate symptoms such as fever and cough. Some people, especially the elderly and those with underlying health problems, experience more serious illnesses such as pneumonia and sometimes die.

The majority of people will recover. The World Health Organization reports that people with mild illness recover in about two weeks, but people with more severe illness can take three to six weeks to recover.


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Ripple effects not likely as state agency delays plan to change Covid workplace restrictions Source link Ripple effects not likely as state agency delays plan to change Covid workplace restrictions