Effective? On Point? Decoding Cryptocurrency Via Astrology

Astrologers say that it is relatively easier to predict the movements of cryptocurrency since it is new.

Did you know that traders in the 1930s relied on the movement of stars and planets to understand how their crops would turn out? Not much has changed when it comes to our fascination with the stars and planetary movement almost 100 years later, even as astrology remains an esoteric and mysterious domain of knowledge that, for many, exists at the nexus of science, divination, and fascination.

And of late, if there’s another thing that has caught the attention of people worldwide, it is cryptocurrency. Tempting and exciting, the word around cryptocurrencies has fast led it to become a $1.68 trillion industry, with more than 10,000 alternative currencies already in circulation. But understanding the fundamentals of cryptocurrency remains inscrutable for many, who only prefer dipping their foot in market lows just to make a quick profit.

But can the movement of stars and planets make comprehending cryptocurrency and earning profits from it easier?

Booming Industries

Some think so. In India alone, the astrology market stands at an astounding $40 billion, as of 2020. And coupled with the nascent Indian crypto industry that already has around 10 million investors who hold around $1 billion in cryptocurrency investments, it makes for a potent combination. 

Punit Pandey, the founder of AstroSage.com, one of the largest astrology portals in the world, is bullish on cryptocurrency himself. “It is relatively easier to predict the movements of cryptocurrency since it is new and most of the information about the origins of cryptocurrency when it was first mined and others are available in the public domain. This makes predictions about cryptocurrencies far more accurate as compared to other commodities.”

According to him, a branch of astrology, namely Mundane Astrology already deals with this, analysing planetary motions in charts of business entities, organisations, countries, and more to assess their wealth, stability and major changes. 

The underlying concept of understanding cryptocurrency movements, he says, remains the same. Anything that has a definite birth date or a verifiable creation time can be read for planetary motions and future predictions, he said. Cryptocurrency is no different. 

The concept has already caught fire in the west, where it seems like a perfect match, with the wild price movements of the currency and the baffling, unpredictable movements of the planets and stars.

Robert Weinstein aka Crypto Damus is one of the most famous financial astrologers in the world, with more than 10,000 followers on Twitter. His name is a nod to Nostradamus, the 16th-century French astrologer famous for having made eerily accurate predictions. 

When it comes to cryptocurrency, however, Weinstein is not far behind. He claims to have accurately predicted the massive May-June 2019 bitcoin rally, when the currency breached $10,000 for the first time, hitting almost $13,000. He continued to accurately predict major rallies in 2020 and 2021 as well, with his choice of cryptocurrency, Chainlink raking in almost 700 percent ROI in just 2020. In fact, he also anticipated black swan events in 2020. 

Maren Altman is another tik-toker cum crypto-investor pioneering the conjunction between astrology and cryptocurrency. In one of her old videos, where she is making predictions for bitcoin, she said: “New moon in Capricorn, January 13th, looks big for bitcoin. Little before that … Saturn will join the bitcoin, Mercury, exactly by degree on January 11th, which looks like some corrections with Mercury and Saturn. It could be news about something that leads to a drop momentarily. But with this new moon, sun moon Pluto, right on top of bitcoin’s Jupiter, this is like an atomic-level new beginning,” she opined. 

And as if on point, the prices dropped for a day, continuing to rise back two days later until April, when it had doubled in value. 

Another financial astrologist, London-based Christeen Skinner perceives this as merely vibrations and our response to them. He also maintains that his clientele does not comprise just astrology aficionados, but people working in mainstream finance as well. Might there be some kernel of truth in the link between the two?