Coinbase just wants to tell the truth its own truth and nothing but the truth

So We wrote earlier, Coinbase — One of the largest crypto exchanges in the world, $ 50 billion A company that charges 1.5% for the privilege of buying and selling Bitcoin.Company Profited $ 717 million in the first quarter of this year It is to make this earth a better place.

No, really.It may be one of the most profitable intermediaries in Cryptoland, but this is Billionaire founder It has an important mission to “decentralize” the world.It’s because of these people I just want “A more equitable, accessible, efficient and transparent financial system made possible by cryptocurrencies” to “enable financial freedom for all individuals and businesses”.

Even the company itself Recently decentralized: As they announced earlier this year, They are “no longer headquartered in any city” and are now “remote first” or “distributed”. Oops.

But the latest move in Coinbase is even more serious. Because this time around, it’s not just the financial system, but even the labor force, that this highly destructive company is trying to diversify. This time, The truth itself:

exactly. The fAkE nEwS era with biased journalists like us at FT Alphaville Malicious twist Objectively correct facts like Bitcoin “The key to the future of rich and clean energy”It is important that the Cryptosphere fight back.

After all, it’s just a crypto news site owned and operated by Crypto. HOD Ler An investor who can truly maintain objectivity.And just there Absent Almost Sufficient Of them — — Absent But close — To balance the malicious false alarm war being carried out by MSM Nocoiner.

So, of course, Coinbase has taken a step forward. As announced last week, the company will launch its own “fact check” service. I mentioned in the blog post announcement: “All tech companies should approach their audience directly and become media companies.”

The ironic type would say that this is very similar to traditional corporate propaganda, but this is not the case. Decentralized Do you remember the information? And, as Armstrong argues, the way to do this is not to “turn the opposite cheek” or “fight”, but simply “publish the truth” (emphasizes our claim). ):

I believe there is a reasonable midpoint between the first two options. It’s about thinkingfully and respectfully simply revealing the truth and building a direct relationship with the viewer. Enterprises no longer have to go through a biased intermediary to communicate with their customers and stakeholders. We often get equal or better reach through blogs, podcasts, or YouTube channels. Often, the only organization that knows what really happened is the company itself.

Decentralization in progress.Instead of going through a biased intermediary like journalists who are paid in fiat and have to have a vested interest in crushing cryptocurrencies (or something), businesses can avoid this by just talking. Unique truth. And, after all, what great truth is there?

And regardless of what the cynics think, Armstrong wants to bring “radical transparency” to the dark world with his new fact-finding service. Bravely, he states, “Companies need to become more and more accustomed to sharing the facts that take them negatively.”

As you can imagine, the company First fact check I have a lot of courage in this regard:

And I am confident that it will make the company very uncomfortable, including the following irrefutable facts:

By securing a viable market for renewable energy, Bitcoin will give businesses an incentive to build green infrastructure and further reduce the price of clean electricity. This virtuous cycle can actually contribute to the fight against climate change.

To be clear We are not the biggest fans of “Fact check” In general — even “facts” outside the magical world of Cryptoland are often less certain than they were first seen. This recent PolitiFact’s “Archive” initially gave the worst “Pants on Fire” rating, but now admits that it is “widely controversial” in its claims about the origin of Covid.

But while this seems like an important step for the “universe,” to be honest, I’ve never been so optimistic about the possibility of reaching the ultimate truth of Cryptoland. Coinbase doesn’t want to go beyond just confirming the following facts:

In the future, not only fact confirmation, Create more unique content to communicate with your viewers and tell the story of cryptocurrencies happening around the world. Many of these stories are not told in traditional media. Fact checking is still largely passive, but to have a true media arm, you need to move to a more aggressive attitude in content creation. ..

Crypto is a rapidly emerging space that is gaining attention and is currently in focus. Unfortunately, this attention has brought a lot of false information that is damaging not only to companies like Coinbase, but to the industry at large. We want to do our best when our customers, regulators, or other important stakeholders are investigating the cryptography they see. Accurate and objective information.

Over time, we anticipate that more and more companies will build their own media departments and work directly, focusing on the key goal of building great products. Tools for distribution will be democratized and any company can be a true source of information.

If these democratic companies were allowed to speak for themselves from the beginning, the world would be a more equal, equitable and open place than ever before. FT Alphaville is wondering why we bother.

Related Links:
Coinbase wants to be “too big to fail” (laughs) –FT Alpha Building
How “fact confirmation” can be used as censorship –FT

Coinbase just wants to tell the truth its own truth and nothing but the truth Source link Coinbase just wants to tell the truth its own truth and nothing but the truth