Bitcoin price – Live: Tesla investor makes $250k prediction as Goldman plans ethereum options

The price of bitcoin returned above $40,000 on Monday, 14 June 2021 (Getty Images)

The bitcoin price is once again surging, pulling the rest of the crypto market up with it.

Leading cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum (ether), Cardano (ada) and dogecoin were all in the green at the start of the week, pushing their combined value above $1.75 trillion for the first time since May.

The turn-around was triggered by Tesla boss Elon Musk, who tweeted on Sunday that the electric car maker would begin accepting the cryptocurrency again “when there’s confirmation of reasonable (~50 per cent) clean energy usage by miners with positive future trend”.

Positive news for Ethereum also helped boost its price on Monday (which is still rising today): Goldman Sachs revealed plans to offer ether options.

The investment banking giant already offers options and futures trading in bitcoin but now wants to expand to its next closest rival.

You can follow all the latest news, analysis and price predictions right here.

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