Bitcoin Fund Holdings Hit Four-Month Low


‘Quadruple witching’ Friday to see $818 billion single stock options expiration – Goldman

A near-record dollar amount of single stock equity options -totaling $818 billion – is set to expire at the close of trading on Friday afternoon, potentially driving sharp moves in some stocks throughout the day, Goldman Sachs analysts wrote. A recent surge in interest in options trading, fueled in part by droves of retail traders looking to place wagers on the swings in so-called meme stocks such as GameStop Corp and AMC Entertainment Holdings, has boosted trading in U.S. single stock options to record highs this year. Single stock open interest now stands at nearly $3 trillion in notional terms, close to the highest level since Jan. 15, according to the report, which was authored by analysts Vishal Vivek and John Marshall and published on Friday morning.