Wolfram Blockchain Labs’ DLT Platform Integrates with IPFS and Filecoin – Providing Decentralized Storage and Analytics Applications

Initial application using the Wolfram Language and IPFS integration helps scientists hash data on the open scientific-focused bloxberg, while storing metadata and data in IPFS for sharing.



Wolfram Blockchain Labs (WBL) announces the integration between WBL’s distributed ledger technology (DLT) platform and IPFS and Filecoin‘s open-source protocols. The addition of the IPFS and Filecoin decentralized storage functionality to WBL’s expanding platform adds new decentralized functionality that complements existing blockchain support. WBL already hosts nodes from ARK, Bitcoin, bloxberg, Cardano, Ethereum, Tezos, and others in its high-performance cluster, providing direct connections for smooth Wolfram Language™ integration on the desktop (Mathematica ®) and in the cloud (the Wolfram Cloud™). These blockchains already make use of Protocol Labs industry-leading solutions in their transactions. The additional storage functionality expands the overall availability of decentralized technologies through the Wolfram Language.

Commenting on the integration, Friederike Kleinfercher, Deputy Manager, Max Planck Digital Library, said, “The addition of a decentralized storage option by Wolfram Blockchain Labs to enhance bloxberg’s Certify & Verify service with their IPFS integration will provide users who do not operate a dedicated storage the possibility to nevertheless store their certified data. We see the implementation as an important step to enhance the user-friendliness of blockchain-powered services, thus providing more users the opportunity to benefit from the unique possibilities of blockchain technology in science.”

The integration of IPFS and Filecoin will provide a pathway to the development of decentralized storage and analytics applications. Wolfram®, with guidance from the Max Planck Digital Library, has created an initial application using the Wolfram Language and IPFS integration. The application helps scientists hash data on the open scientific-focused bloxberg, while storing metadata and data in IPFS for sharing. Wolfram is also using the IPFS and Filecoin integrations to build functionality and use cases that can be incorporated into decentralized applications used by researchers. 

Molly Mackinlay, IPFS and Filecoin Engineering Lead at Protocol Labs, said, “We’re excited to work with Wolfram to bring Filecoin into their product line, offering resilient and decentralized storage to the scientific research community. This integration will ease storage and retrieval of very large datasets, and open up new opportunities for research collaboration in ways which protect author provenance and ensure long-term availability of data.”

The collaboration between Wolfram Blockchain Labs, IPFS, and Filecoin will provide extensive Wolfram Language tools for the development of decentralized applications. Initially, these applications will center on data, storage and analytics. 

“Distributed storage is one of the fundamental pieces that will push forward the blockchain revolution, so we’re very excited to work with IPFS and Filecoin. Adding them to the Wolfram Language will undoubtedly provide new capabilities for developers and users of our growing ecosystem. We can’t wait to see what applications will emerge from this integration,” added Johan Veerman, CTO, Wolfram Blockchain Labs.

WBL, IPFS, and Filecoin anticipate broad usage of these tools and use case applications, and will gradually expand their usage across business, decentralized finance, academic research, and education.


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