Ethereum or Bitcoin, which one is a better investment?



We compared the top two virtual currencies

– Posted: May 15, 2021 | Last Updated: 1 day ago

Posted: May 15, 2021 | Last Updated: 1 day ago

Bitcoin, the world’s first and most valued cryptocurrency, saw its value nearly double this year, but its closest rival Ethereum rose 5.6 times during the same period, beating it by a whopping 450%. A head-to-head price comparison shows Ethereum’s rise is less volatile than that of Bitcoin’s. On Eid day, Bitcoin crashed after Tesla’s chief Elon Musk said they will no longer accept Bitcoin as payments for their cars while Ethereum continued to trade around its all-time high. What does that indicate? Will Ethereum continue to out-perform the undisputed crypto king or will Bitcoin bounce back? Which of the two coins is a smarter bet? Watch SAMAA Money’s Farooq Baloch answer these questions.

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