Police warning of cryptocurrency fraud targeting locals

City police are warning the public about a cryptocurrency scam.


The Thunder Bay Police Service is warning the public about a cryptocurrency scam that appears to be targeting local residents.

In one recent reported case, a local Internet user was lured by a Facebook post by someone advertising an employment opportunity. The target expressed interest in the job and was advised that the personal assistant position would be responsible for obtaining and depositing Bitcoin using provided funds.

The victim began receiving cheques from the supposed employer. Those cheques were deposited into the victim’s person bank accounts with instructions to purchase Bitcoin.

The victim followed the fraudster’s instructions and deposited cryptocurrency into the specified Bitcoin wallet. However, the cheques sent by the alleged employer were later found to be fraudulent, and the actual funds used to purchase the cryptocurrency came form the victim’s personal finances.

This is one of several cryptocurrency scams that have been reported to the TBPS.

The Thunder Bay Police Service would like to remind the public to never, under any circumstance, place funds into someone else’s Bitcoin wallet. Cryptocurrency is near-impossible to track, making it attractive to would-be fraudsters.

Please take time to speak to your more vulnerable friends and family members who may be more aggressively targeted by these kinds of scams.

To learn more about frauds and scams visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre here: https://www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/scams-fraudes/cryptocurrency-cryptomonnaie-eng.htm