Litecoin (LTC) Closes Prior Hour Up 0.88%; Heads Up For the 2nd Consecutive Day, Breaks Above 20 Day Average

The Hourly View for LTC

Last Updated April 28, 2021, 11:16 GMT

At the time of this writing, Litecoin’s price is up $2.25 (0.88%) from the hour prior. Litecoin has seen its price go up 4 out of the past 5 hours, thus creating some compelling opportunities for bulls. Regarding the trend, note that the strongest trend exists on the 100 hour timeframe. The moving averages on the hourly timeframe suggest a choppiness in price, as the 20, 50, 100 and 200 are all in a mixed alignment — meaning the trend across timeframes is inconsistent, indicating a potential opportunity for rangebound traders.

Litecoin Daily Price Recap

Litecoin came into today up 5.01% ($12.4) from the open of yesterday, marking the 2nd consecutive day it has gone up. This move happened on lower volume, as yesterday’s volume was down 23.91% from the day before — and down 56.56% from the same day the week before. Out of the 7 instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Litecoin ended up ranking 2nd for the day in terms of price change relative to yesterday. Below is a daily price chart of Litecoin.

Litecoin Technical Analysis

Moving average crossovers are always interesting, so let’s start there: Litecoin crossed above its 20 day moving average yesterday. The clearest trend exists on the 14 day timeframe, which shows price moving down over that time. For another vantage point, consider that Litecoin’s price has gone down 9 of the previous 14 trading days.

Overheard on Twitter

Behold! Here are the top tweets related to Litecoin:

  • From MadDogecoins:

    BTW.. I didn’t sell for fiat. I sold to Bitcoin. If dogecoin happens to need me back in the future I’ll be happy to load up again lol. Until then… I hold a reasonable bag of Doge.. Litecoin.. And of course Bitcoin. Diversify.

  • From Pentosh1:

    My #Litecoin price target is $238,855. I arrived at this price target by googling the distance between the earth and the moon and converting it from miles to dollars
    -Chikun Little

  • From hackerb0t:

    Are you worried ur child is texting about crypto?smh = shorting market here
    lmao = longing my ass off
    brb = bitcoin rocks bro
    lol = litecoin or link
    wtf = we trade futures
    btw = bcash the worst
    ily = I longed yesterday
    ftw = futures trading warrior
    ttyl = the trader yolo longed

In terms of news links for Litecoin here’s one to try:

Ex WWE Wrestler Kane, Now Knox County Mayor, Looking Into Bitcoin and Litecoin

As mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, former wrestler Glen Jacob, stage name Kane, is looking into Bitcoin and Litecoin to help his municipality….NewsBTC is a cryptocurrency news service that covers bitcoin news today, technical analysis & forecasts for bitcoin price and other altcoins….We cover BTC news related to bitcoin exchanges, bitcoin mining and price forecasts for various cryptocurrencies.