Libraries adapt during pandemic | Yadkin Ripple

Inside the Jonesville Public Library.

JONESVILLE — Local libraries are often known for their large selections of reading material, study tools, activities, and more. Community members and students often rely on libraries to gain access to valuable resources and information that they may have a difficult time getting elsewhere. This access was not stalled by the COVID-19 pandemic. Rather, local libraries have had “to evolve as the world evolves,” and many libraries have been completely flourishing during this time.

Jennifer Rogers, branch manager at the Jonesville Public Library, is a firm believer in the idea that libraries are highly essential and adaptable, even during uncertain times. She remarked, “Even though there’s some people out there that may think libraries are a thing of the past — they’re not. We’re still vital to the community.”

Libraries’ indispensable quality stems from the fact that they offer many different services to all kinds of people.

“[The library] is one place where a person can go and nothing is expected of them,” Rogers said.

Libraries provide opportunities for individuals to not only gain access to study materials, but also access to other individuals that share similar interests.

Activities at the library can open people up to meeting one another. Rogers believes that “in this day and age, it is important to find like minded individuals.” Signing up for different classes at the library can expose someone to people with similar interests. For example, BodSquad is a group at the Jonesville Public Library that helps connect people interested in fitness and general wellness. Since COVID, they have had to meet virtually, but they are also meeting every Friday in person to walk on the trail together.

Another group at the library that has shown great success is the Girls Who Code group. This is a program for girls who are interested in computer science and coding. Currently, this group is piecing together a website to allow access to mental health resources for other young people.

These are not the only groups that have shown successful results within the library. In fact, the library has been getting 200+ views on its Facebook live events. They utilize this resource for many purposes including youth story times, history trivia nights, and weekly craft lessons.

The library is also getting plans together for this Summer. One of the plans in place is the Summer Learning Program. This program occurred virtually last Summer and “was a huge success.” More than 80 children signed up for this program at the Jonesville Public library alone. Children of all ages from four different counties are reached by this program every year. Through this program, children are able to do reading challenges, crafts, and a variety of other activities.

As life returns to a higher degree of normality post-COVID, the library does plan on hosting more in-person activities. More activities will be held outside, and new requirements will be put in place to ensure a safe environment for participants. This includes requiring six feet of social distancing, as well as requiring masks.

As the format in which these activities take place change, Rogers commends the community on its resilience during this hard time.

“We have some really great patrons, really great children… it’s amazing to see how well a lot of them can adapt to this new normal.” She also encouraged people to be active in their local libraries as “there’s always something going on.” Locate a local branch and learn about upcoming activities at

Breanna Laws is a student intern for The Tribune and The Yadkin Ripple.