Blockchain education coming to Cayman

The Blockchain Education Network (BEN) and the Caribbean Blockchain Alliance (CBA) are partnering with the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) to offer a course on blockchain, the mechanism that keeps track of cryptocurrency exchanges across the world.

As with all of UCCI’s summer session, the course will be taught online. It will be staffed using teaching assistants provided by UCCI, BEN, and CBA. CBA will also assist in sourcing guest lecturers from various sectors of the blockchain space that focus their work on the Caribbean and can tailor their presentations to how blockchain can disrupt the various industries in the region.

In addition, BEN will be establishing a university chapter at UCCI to encourage undergraduate student leadership and engagement in hosting blockchain events, teaching blockchain lessons and relaying opportunities from BEN and its partners. BEN’s website says it has more than 80 such chapters around the world.

The two organizations believe that bringing blockchain literacy to the Caribbean could help unite its fragmented economies and disrupt the financial infrastructure across the entire region.

UCCI President and CEO Stacy McAfee said the partnership will help UCCI students remain abreast of the changing face of finance.

“UCCI is committed to offering education and training that prepares students for success in the digital economy,” McAfee said. “This strategic partnership with BEN and CBA will expand and accelerate our ongoing development of talent for the technology sector within the Cayman Islands and globally.”

BEN President Erick Pinos said the course will open doors for students.

“Through our initiatives at UCCI, we hope to educate students living in the Cayman Islands about blockchain,” Pinos said. “Additionally, with the help of alumni and partners in our network, especially CBA, students who go through our program will be better equipped for finding jobs or starting projects in the blockchain space after graduating.”

CBA director Samir Bandali said Cayman is poised to take advantage of the new industry.

“Cayman’s recent initiatives have brought tremendous growth to the Blockchain industry on island with the new virtual asset service provider legislation,” Bandali said. “There is a unique opportunity to provide unprecedented opportunities to the next generation of local entrepreneurs by collaborating with our educational institutions. We have a responsibility to share knowledge within this emerging industry and pave the way towards innovation by involving our youth. ”