When Will Smith met baseball player Will Smith during an interaction on his talk show

Hollywood star Will Smith is renowned for his virtual talk show ‘Will From Home’ on Snapchat, where he speaks with a bunch of people who made a difference. In an episode of the show released in December 2020, Will was seen speaking with a young boy named Aaron Monero, a young entrepreneur from the USA. The young man sold plants around the neighbourhood and had made huge profits from the small venture. During the interaction, actor Will Smith introduced Aaron to baseball player Will Smith, who offered the young boy four Dodgers tickets and also an invite to watch their practice sessions live.

When Will Smith met Will Smith

In a throwback video, Hollywood star Will Smith interacted with a young boy named Aaron Monero, who built a business for himself from scratch, as he wanted to help his family. His story started when his sister was sent back to Mexico because the family could not afford to raise both the children in the USA with limited space and financial allowance. Aaron wanted his sister to come back, which was why he started a small business of his own where he would sell a bunch of plants for profit. The young Aaron not just successfully brought back his sister but also helped his family buy a car and move to a better place.

On the talk show with Will Smith, he was introduced to baseball player Will Smith, a catcher for LA Dodgers. The family was also offered a bunch of tickets to watch an LA Dodgers match along with an exclusive allowance to the practice session. During the interaction, actor Will Smith also came up with an interactive fun game where Aaron had to guess and choose amongst the two Will Smiths. He was also asked whom would he rather have by his side if he were facing a zombie attack. Aaron Monero stated that he would want baseball player Will Smith to be with him since he would have a bat in hand. The young boy was also offered a series of merchandizes from various sponsors including huge donations and major promotions. Have a look at the video.

Image Courtesy: Still from YouTube (Will Smith)



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