February 3, 2025

Nevada has everything to gain from Blockchains smart city

Jeffrey Berns
Published 3:30 p.m. PT March 22, 2021 | Updated 3:32 p.m. PT March 22, 2021

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This opinion column was submitted by Jeffrey Berns, CEO of Blockchains, LLC.

Any new concept has elements of risk.

In the case of our Innovation Zone proposal, while the benefits are nothing less than the total reinvention of the Nevada economy, we at Blockchains are assuming all the risk.

That’s correct. The Innovation Zone will be built entirely by private investment and require no tax abatements, incentives or public investment of any kind.

The Innovation Zone proposal and the smart city we want to build in Northern Nevada are not only big, new ideas, but unprecedented on the worldwide stage.

Why are we doing this?

Simply put, to position Nevada as the global leader in the development of blockchain technology by building the most innovative smart city on Earth. We believe deeply in the potential this technology has to improve the human condition.

Put in perspective, blockchain technology is at a place many experts compare to the early stages of the launch of the internet itself.

Potential applications of this technology in clean energy, use of natural resources, transportation, financial services and education are virtually unlimited. Every day, major news outlets around the world report how these new technologies are being transformed as solutions applied to daily life and industry.

With this vision, tens of thousands of good-paying jobs and billions of dollars in new state revenue will be created here in Nevada.

We believe the Innovation Zone will be the vehicle that completely and permanently diversifies our state’s economy.


We plan to build the most cutting-edge, carbon-neutral smart city in the world along with an unequalled R & D center. We want to attract the best and brightest minds in the world to this fully integrated community singularly focused on the development and advancement of the most exciting and emerging technologies on the planet.

This will not only be the world’s most advanced center for R & D, but also a completely collaborative environment where technologies can be created to reinvent housing, energy, transportation and other fundamentals to be used in better, more efficient and environmentally conscious ways for the citizens living and working there as well as throughout the world.

We understand there will be skeptics. Bold ideas seem to attract their share.

Please know this: We have worked extremely carefully to make sure any element of risk of creating the Innovation Zone is entirely on us, not the state.

So, Nevada has nothing to lose, but stands to reap significant rewards.

One last thing: While Blockchains will develop this Innovation Zone on our own property, this won’t be a “company town.” It will be run by an elected board of local citizens responsible to the state and Legislature in the same way every city and county in Nevada currently is.

For too long our state has watched as many of our neighbors reap the benefits advanced technology industries bring. Now is Nevada’s time to take a leading role in developing the technology solutions the entire world will use.

Technologies like blockchain are already changing the world. Our vision is for Nevada to emerge at the center of the global stage, the leader in developing and building these life changing technologies.

We are all in. We would welcome your support.

Jeffrey Berns is the founder and CEO of Blockchains, LLC.

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