Litecoin price – Should You Do Litecoin Mining? | Fintech Zoom

March 12, 2021 ( Newswire) Litecoin is similar to bitcoin in many ways except that there are a total of 81 million Litecoin to be dispatched as compared to just 21 million bitcoins. Many platforms for bitcoin trading are being used all over the world like bitcoin fortress that can be used for Litecoin trading too.

Litecoin mining is the process of sending a block of transactions into the Litecoin blockchain. The adjustment of blockchains is done by miners who solve mathematical problems with the help of computer hardware and software. You need to solve an algorithm for Litecoin mining and the one who reaches the solution first is awarded a token.

Mining can be done to almost any cryptocurrency but why choose Litecoin? Here are some of the advantages of Litecoin:

An Open Source Network

The biggest advantage of mining in Litecoin is that it is an open-source system. It implies that if there are any changes in the protocols, then they can be implemented easily. These changes are usually implemented to adjust the current trends of the cryptocurrency market.

Another advantage that this open-source network gives to its users is that it allows tech innovations. One such innovation is the lightning network protocol which has made transactions so fast and reliable.


Just like most cryptocurrencies, Litecoin is a decentralized network that supports peer-to-peer exchange. Thus, there is no need for third-party assistance while making a purchase or trading. No central bank or authorities will be involved when you are buying new Litecoins for mining.

This decentralized network also reduced the cost of mining in Litecoin as you do not need to pay any intermediary. The nodes of this network are spread all across the globe so you can get in touch with anywhere around the world without any meddling.

Fast Processing

The most appreciated feature of Litecoin is its fast processing speed. It is proved that Litecoin is four times faster than bitcoin. While the former spends only 2.5 minutes processing a transaction, the latter need at least 10 minutes. This reduced processing time also reduces the risk of attacks by the intruder because the hacker would not have enough time to attempt any attack.


Along with being fast, Litecoin is also scalable. Scalability refers to the total number of processes that can be completed in one second. Litecoin can complete 56 processes in one second whereas bitcoin can only process 7 in a second. Ethereum is catching up with the pace and it can process 15 in a second. However, Litecoin is in the lead for now.

Low Transaction Fees

A reason for the widespread use of Litecoin and the quick adoption of Litecoin by investors and miners is that Litecoin has fairly low transaction fees. If we compare the fees of Litecoin with other cryptocurrencies then it is clear that Litecoin is cheaper.

Large Upper Limit

Litecoin further attracts miners towards it by giving a large upper limit that can accommodate 84 million coins. It is four times larger than the upper limit provided by bitcoin. It reduces the risk of inflation to almost zero.

Simple Process of Mining

The biggest advantage that Litecoin offers to miners is a simple procedure. It uses a proof-of-work algorithm just like bitcoin and the algorithm is known as scrypt. However, Litecoin‘s mining algorithm is more energy-efficient and is easily available to the miners.


While Litecoin is still way behind bitcoin, it is slowly and gradually catching up with the pace. The flexibility of Litecoin ensures constant development which leads to positive and new changes in the currency. The more the currency continues to adapt to the ways of the crypto market, the more it becomes famous.

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