Fischer Identity integrates 1Kosmos’ biometric and blockchain solution for streamlined onboarding

1Kosmos has partnered with Fischer Identity to integrate the former’s BlockID Verify solution for biometric employee and customer identity verification with the latter’s IGA (identity governance and administration) platform.

Customers of Fischer Identity can use 1Kosmos’ biometric and blockchain technologies for digital identity proofing and passwordless authentication to streamline onboarding and eliminate the risk of identity compromises during the process, according to the announcement.

“I’m very excited to partner with Fischer Identity and their industry leading IGA platform,” states 1Kosmos Director of Business Development Michael Granat. “The need for higher education to utilize contactless and remote proofing and verification of their faculty, staff, and student body is apparent in our ever-evolving world. The ability to utilize 1Kosmos BlockID’s contactless and remote proofing and verification will help Fischer Identity’s customers onboard faster and more securely.”

The integration of BlockID Verify is meant to complement Fischer Identity’s identity governance and administration capabilities by providing the highest level of identity assurance (IAL3), according to NIST 800-63-3 guidelines, along with W3C and GDPR compliance, and KYC checks.

“We are pleased to partner with #1Kosmos as Fischer continues to address the dynamic direction of the work and education environments,” comments Fischer Identity President and CEO Andrew Sroka. “#1Kosmos identity proofing functionality provides organizations with an added level of security which is imperative as users become more mobile.”

1Kosmos came out of stealth earlier this year with the announcement of a $15 million funding round.

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