Couple helps fix ´the ripple effect’ of Covid-19 – The Royal Gazette

Created: Mar 12, 2021 08:00 AM

Partners in love, partners in business – for Wayne Swan and Francezia Campbell it’s been a good mix.

They created ImpactOne International in 2015, three years before they married. Their goal was then as it is now: equipping clients so they can reach their maximum potential and attain “life fulfilment”.

Prior to that Dr Swan had focused his efforts on helping men “connect the dots in regards to their life”, particularly during and after divorce.

Ms Campbell, meanwhile, worked with professional women to help them understand how to “put themselves first in order to be happier, in order to be there for others”.

The pair came up with a plan for coaching individuals and couples in one-on-one sessions as well as group workshops. ImpactOne brought it all together.

“We were dating at the time,” Ms Campbell said. “I got into the coaching arena prior to Wayne and was doing my certification. I was sort of sharing the information with him; sharing some of the principles.

“So then he got more interested in the coaching arena and so, because of our love for wanting to be there and support people, we came up with: ‘I think we should start a business because we’re both wanting to share our gifts.’ We realised from many discussions that people were struggling and seeking clarity in pursuit of their life goals and/or wanting quality and loving relationships. We partner with our clients to be empowered to be their best self and have an impact on their own lives and the people around them [and then] they endeavour to live their best life.”

Covid-19 likely offered a wonderful opportunity for many relationships, she added.

“I remember when we were talking about going [into] lockdown saying there’s going to be quite a few people who are going to have to reintroduce themselves. How many couples spend time together? Meaningful time together? You’re going into lockdown, what do you talk about?”

The coronavirus has given rise to “some very troubling statistics” which show the great impact it “has had on the family and the relationship dynamic”, Dr Swan said.

“There’s been a loss of jobs, there’s been a downturn in the economy; there’s been just a whole host of things that are external to the actual relationship or the family or the marriage. And what we’ve found is if there were any underlying factors before Covid – things that bothered us between us that we just swept under the rug and said we’ll deal with it later – those things mounted and greatly impacted the marriage or the relationship, in some cases in a very adverse way.

“Domestic violence soared during that time – abuse, violence all of that. These are the things that we know for sure that have affected the relationship as a whole. Obviously that spills over not just to the household. That husband or wife goes to work … undoubtedly, that goes with them. If the children are around that, that affects them in schooling. It’s a ripple effect.”

Crucial is that their clients understand that to be happy with their partner they must first be “honest with the person [they] see in the mirror”, he added.

“And by honesty I mean being able to look at ourselves and assess where we are, who we are. I’m talking about an internal look. I have to take accountability for me, the man in the mirror. And once I come and accept him and am able to look at whatever flaws there may be I can be a better support for my spouse and the people around me.

“Oftentimes we don’t do that in relationships. Oftentimes we try to save everybody else without taking care of ourselves first. And if we don’t do that we’re in no position to help anybody else.”

He continued: “In a relationship something sometimes comes along that drives a wedge between two people and when that happens, we sometimes forget that we need each other. We really, really want to be able to walk along with people on their journey, wherever they are, and get them to the next level – whatever that is – so they can be their best self and have an impact on their own lives and people around them, so they can live their best life.”

Much of their success as a couple comes down to making an effort to communicate properly, Ms Campbell said.

“Always remember you got in a relationship for a reason. We share our ups and downs, how we feel, so we can talk through it and gain a better understanding. We say we’re here because we made a commitment to each other and a covenant before the Lord to work together for a lasting, healthy and loving marriage.

“I try not to use the word perfect. We’re not striving for perfection we’re striving for communication and love in order to continue on with the journey that we wanted for ourselves in our marriage.”

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Husband and wife Wayne Swan and Francezia Campbell coach individuals and groups through their company, ImpactOne International (Photograph supplied)