Vietnamese farmers take to livestreams, blockchain and traceability tech

Farmer Le Van Chin from the southern Vietnamese province of Long An recently livestreamed an advert about his dragon fruit on his Facebook page. In this, Chin is just one of thousands of farmers who decided to sell directly on social network sites such as Facebook, Zalo and others.

No official statistics about the number of farmers using livestreaming exist, but it has become increasingly common. Livestreams on social networks and e-commerce platforms in Vietnam have attracted hundreds of thousands of views a day.

According to Nguyen Duc Tung, general secretary of the Vietnam Digital Agricultural Association, more farmers were selling online directly to consumers without intermediaries. This has helped lower prices.

Nguyen Manh Tan, marketing director of Haravan, which provides e-commerce and retail solutions, has stated farmers only need a smartphone and Facebook account to conduct a livestream. Selling on Facebook or Zalo is easier than on e-commerce platforms, which have more requirements such as packaging specifications and legal conditions.

Blockchain is another technology that is being used in product traceability and supply chain management in Long An, Tien Giang, Dong Thap and other provinces. On top of this, in Dong Thap and Ben Tre provinces, technological advances have improved the monitoring of automatic irrigation systems by quickly identifying the watering level of a tree, for example, and alerting farmers to the exact location of the water shortage area.



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