The kings of data must utilize blockchain technology By Cointelegraph

The kings of data must utilize blockchain technology

In our digital world, data has now become as valuable as gold or oil. In order to achieve success, companies must adapt to handling their data much like a commodity, by trading and earning a profit off of it. Data is especially valuable when it comes to artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms due to its ability to provide value that enables new AI use cases.

In order for a marketplace to be successful, it is essential to take into account scalability, quality and price of data. This is where blockchain technology comes in, where it will able to provide marketplaces with low infrastructure costs. Data is valuable, and blockchains are able to provide the infrastructure that allows transactions to be economical while promoting privacy, which has become one of the most important aspects of selling and using data.

Humayun Sheikh is the CEO and co-founder of Sheikh is an entrepreneur and a founding investor in DeepMind, who is now changing the way we transact and travel using artificial intelligence.