ETMarkets Conclave to demystify the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain

Amid all the mystery and buzz surrounding Bitcoins, the first edition of the
ETMarkets Conclave today puts the spotlight on cryptocurrency and blockchain. Cryptocurrencies, also known have virtual currencies, have broken a slew of records in the recent past, and the most popular among its kind — the Bitcoin — touched a record high of $58,350 last week before taking a breather.

As more authorities around the globe embrace the new world of virtual currencies, endorsements from tycoons — and its comparison with gold and even cash — have boosted Bitcoin’s appeal as an investment bet.

Many are already perceiving cryptocurrency as a hedging instrument, even better than the good old gold! That, while skeptics question its existence and the prospect of digital currencies replacing real-life money.

Some even argue that crypto assets — such as Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Tether and Litecoin — are like digital gold, and can be regulated just like the yellow metal.

Cryptocurrencies are making new headlines every day. But what does the future hold for virtual currencies?

Is India about to miss the bus in leveraging cryptos? What’s in store for Indians as the government gets ready to introduce the Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021? Will those already dealing in Bitcoin and its peers be affected?

Find answers to all the buzz around this new kid on the block at
ETMarkets Conclave on cryptocurrency, which will be held from 1 pm today. This is the first edition of
ETMarkets Conclave, where the very best of financial experts will decipher the past, present and future of the mysterious world of digital currencies.

Registration for ETMarkets Crypto Conclave is open