Reshaping future of financial world

Jan 29, 2021 21:03 IST

New Delhi [India], January 29 (ANI/ThePRTree): It is said that “A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way” and Mills S Heim, Co-founder of the most renowned Blockchain organization has been no exception.
Through his sheer brilliance and expertise in his field of work, Mills and his co-founders have been the brightest stars in the darkest of storms for his team at Quantocoin and Quantopay.
In the world where people get scared listening to the terms like Bitcoins and Cryptocurrency, Mills and his team started working day and night to remove this myth from peoples mind by starting out his own Blockchain based organization.
Mills did an intrinsic research and found out that many around the globe have no access to financial services at all, or to overpriced conditions and that people are having trouble storing and using the cryptocurrency at the same time which led to the idea of QuantocoinBlockchain Bank of the Future, which will be integrated in the QuantoPay platform, which will become in Q2 2021 the world’s first global mobile challenger finance app, giving you the freedom to spend, save, transfer and exchange your money and currency.
Despite being put on brake by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the world is moving fast, and future of money is a digital currency and to educate this to the world, the team has worked tirelessly to make the QuantoPay and Quantocoin lounge on various cryptocurrency exchanges possible in
2021, which will be introduced through its Second IEO campaign from January throughout March 2021.
Pablo, one of the founders, in a recent interview said that with the launch of Quantocoin Tokens his team wants to educate people about financial systems, payments and the general management of money to help them understand QTC and how to use it through the Quantocoin platform and the QuantoPay mobile only financial app, which is expeted to be launched in Q2 2021.
He added that Quantocoin is planning to expand the internet connection to unserved regions and believes that it can help regions who have a high jobless rate by creating new jobs and businesses opportunities, supporting regions like Africa and Asia. QTC can provide a way out of poverty for billions of people while they help expand the digital economy. The blockchain organizations like Quantocoin has been playing a significant role in outbound payments as this enable users to send remittances to each other within the ecosystem, across the globe straight from their computers or mobile devices which we can say is like “Bank in the Palm of your Hand”.
The visionary and highly sophisticated teams of QuantoPay and Quantocoin aim to solve problems associated with the old-fashion banking system. The present financial system is supported by large-scale financial institutions that provide financial services, e.g., banks, insurance companies, credit card companies, housing finance companies and money transfer companies, which are old-fashioned and out of step with current realities and have low penetration. Sending money across international borders is still very complicated and expensive, with charges per transaction averaging at 7.45 per cent. However, the same will not be the case with Quantocoin Tokens.
With QTC’s one can be assured of low risk and it complies in general with institutional investors approach, Broad Brand Awareness, Secure – using exchange facilities, Easy to understand distribution process for inexperienced investors, Exchange handles the necessary KYC/AML processes (no need for extra registration) and Backed by a reputable exchange.
QTC could potentially bring people out of poverty, as it will give them access to financial and banking tools. These tools will provide them with immediate liquidity and currency functionality, better than the traditional banking system. We will bring these services to the unbanked regions which will allow the people to invest, buy, pay and sell items and
Thus, we can say that we are not far away from the day, Blockchain organizations will change the banking industries for good and the way of working eliminating red tapism and extensive offline interactions.
This story is provided by ThePRTree. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. ANI/ ThePRTree)