Ethereum soars, network congested – is it time for Optimism? – Inspired Traveler

Optimism sauve EthereumIn parallel with the rise in the price of ether, the Ethereum blockchain is once again facing a congestion problem. Fortunately, the second layer solution Optimism has announced a deployment of its mainnet for January 15th.

The Optimism network

Introduced in June 2019, Optimism is a second layer project developed for the Ethereum network. Its aim is to solve scalability problems network, that is, increase the number of transactions per second, while reducing their cost.

To do this, Optimism is based on a technology called Optimistic Rollup, which allows you to run smart contracts on a virtual machine different from that of Ethereum (the EVM): theOptimistic Virtual Machine (OVM).

After several years of development, the the Optimism testnet was rolled out last October. It was the Synthetix platform that was the first to be integrated into it.

January 15: the date of the mainnet

After several weeks of testnet, a thousand deposits and withdrawals and 30,000 transactions, Optimism wants to move on to the next phase.

It was then that the project teams unveiled part of the road map for 2021 in their publication of the year 2020 review.

We learn that the mainnet d’Optimism will be launched on January 15, 2021. As was the case for testnet, the Synthetix platform will be the first to migrate to it.

As the OVM is almost fully compatible with the EVM, Synthetix developers will not need no modification to bring to the code to deploy it on Optimism.

For security reasons, Optimism teams will remain update key masters of the contract for a period ofat least 6 months. Until these keys are destroyed, the protocol will not be considered finalized.

“Until we relinquish these keys, please do not take this as the complete and final system. »

Publication of Optimism teams

Then we will have to wait mars 2021 to see one last testnet disembark, which will allow the various decentralized applications to actually plan their migration to the Optimism mainnet.

We find Uniswap and Chainlink, among the other projects that will focus on the second layer solution.