Crypto Investor Network Review: Is ‘The Awakening’ Legit?

Our Crypto Investor Network review dives deep to find out if this crypto research service’s cryptocurrency recommendations make the cut.

Sit back, relax, and stay tuned because we’re about to tell you everything you need to know about this up-and-coming service from InvestorPlace.

What is Crypto Investor Network?

Crypto Investor Network is an up-and-coming cryptocurrency research service from InvestorPlace Media; an established research publisher with a reputation for excellence.

The service is helmed by two experts with complementary expertise in the crypto market: Matt McCall and Charlie Shrem.

Matt McCall is a veteran trader who understands the market and its nuances. Conversely, Charlie Shrem is a seasoned computer programming and an early pioneer of the Bitcoin revolution.

Together, these two have a deep well of expertise and experience to draw from, and they pour every ounce of that know-how into Crypto Investor Network.

This research service helps subscribers learn how to navigate the cryptocurrency market by pointing them towards choice trade opportunities.

Crypto Investor Network primarily operates through its monthly research newsletter. Each issue is loaded with late-breaking market analysis and new crypto recommendations.

You’ll really score if you sign up under the team’s “The Awakening Package,” more on that later. First, let’s take a closer look at the masterminds who run this service, Matt McCall and Charlie Shrem.

>> Ready to dive into cypto? Sign up for Crypto Investor Network here. <<

Crypto Investor Network Review: Matt McCall and Charlie Shrem

Each of these experts plays a hand in Crypto Investor Network’s investment research, but are they qualified to be doling out advice? Let’s take a closer look at their backgrounds to find out.

Matt McCall

Matt McCall is an established investing guru and research author with an impressive track record.

He directs research for several publications, and you may know him from his frequent appearances on cable finance news.

McCall has made a name for himself in the crypto trading world over the past few years. This year alone, some of his open recommendations have gone up as much as 750% (source).

He’s also picked dozens of winners over the past few years, including 23 that saw peak gains as high as 1,000%.

McCall has an impressive resume and a track record to back it up. With that many winners under his belt, he knows a thing or two about the market.

crypto investor network quote cnbc

Charlie Shrem Review

Charlie Shrem is one of the most influential people in the cryptocurrency game today.

He’s a Bitcoin pioneer and a respected voice in the cryptocurrency world. Shrem was a founding member of the Bitcoin Foundation, and he created one of the first-ever cryptocurrency exchanges.

Those are some pretty impressive accolades for a guy who started out as a humble computer programmer.

However, there’s no denying that Charlie Shrem understands cryptocurrency technology better than almost anyone.

With McCall’s analyst skills and Shrem’s technical knowledge, this duo is certainly worthy of your respect and attention.

>> Click here to see Charlie Shrem’s top picks now <<

crypto investor network adoption curve
New technology tends to gradually grow until it reaches critical mass and reaches mass adoption.

What is ‘The Awakening Event’?

Charlie Shrem sees an unstoppable trend unfolding in the crypto space. He calls it ‘The Awakening Event,” and he believes it could be a spectacular wealth-building opportunity for early investors.

If you’ve seen “The Awakening Event” presentation, you already have an idea of what it’s all about, but here’s a synopsis in case you missed the show.

Shrem thinks the next big crypto boom won’t come from Bitcoin but from a little-known sister asset class called altcoins.

According to Shrem, altcoins could be bigger than anything that’s happened with Bitcoin. Better yet, a life-changing catalyst could be on course to really shake up the market.

Now is the time to start building positions, says Shrem. Folks that know how to get in could see some incredible gains.

Crypto Investor Network is currently throwing in additional bonus materials and research to help new subscribers learn the most out of this potential move. We’re going to review them all, so stay tuned.


crypto investor network curve
According to Crypto Investor Network, this is where blockchain currently sits on the adoption curve.

>> Get in position for the blockchain blowup now <<

What’s Included with Crypto Investor Network?

Here’s what Crypto Investor Network is currently offering with ‘The Awakening’:

  • One-year membership to the Crypto Investor Network newsletter
  • Full access to the Crypto Investor Network model portfolio.
  • Crypto Investor Network ‘Members-Only’ monthly webinar
  • Four Altcoins to Buy Now ($150 estimated value)
  • The Altcoin Millionaire’s Playbook ($150 estimated value)
  • Altcoin Investing for Beginners ($150 estimated value)
  • 100% Satisfaction guarantee

Let’s shift this Crypto Investor Network review into third fear and break this offer down piece-by-piece.

Crypto Investor Network Review: The Newsletter

Each month, you’ll get a brand new issue from Charlie Shrem and Matt McCall outlining the latest cryptocurrency news and analysis.

The newsletter is the perfect place to start your monthly trading research routine. Each issue is loaded with in-depth market research, cryptocurrency recommendations, and much more.

Better yet, the Crypto Investor Network research service prioritizes recommending early positions to maximize subscriber gains. You’ll get an idea on emerging trends before anyone else.

Crypto Investor Network serves up the majority of its late-breaking research through the newsletter, so it’s a must-read if you sign up.

Its cryptocurrency news and expert analysis make it an indispensable resource for folks of all knowledge levels.

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The Crypto Investor Network Model Portfolio

Crypto Investor Network has a sample model portfolio that lists all of its recommended cryptocurrencies so members can easily check up on the latest recommended position.

The model portfolio lists each crypto, along with notes on price targets, ideal entry points, current recommendations, and more.

You can instantly access the model portfolio when you join and see every crypto that’s on the Crypto Investor Network’s radar. You can even see picks from before you joined.

It’s a great reference resource for readers, but it also allows you to go back and see previous recommendations you might’ve missed, which adds substantial value to the overall package.

crypto investor network gain chart
If you put $1,000 into each of these cryptos at their lows, you could be sitting on $100,000+ gains.

Members-Only Webinar

The newsletter isn’t the only fresh piece of content you’ll get every month if you sign up for Crypto Investor Network. McCall and Shrem also host a monthly webinar session exclusively for members.

Every webinar focuses on new events and potential investment opportunities in the cryptocurrency space. You’ll discover new blockchain projects and get info on up-and-coming altcoin investment recommendations.

Crypto Investor Network’s monthly webinars serve as a perfect complement to the newsletter, and you’ll really appreciate these informational sessions if you prefer your content in video form.

It’s nice to see that Shrem and McCall take the time to put these videos together every month. They’re very helpful, and it proves two gurus are actively involved in the day-to-day operations of the service.

crypto investor network awakening reports

>> Join now for instant access to the altcoin reports <<

“The Awakening” Bonus Reports:

This offer’s bonus add-ons mostly pertain to The Awakening and its main subject, altcoins.

These reports explain everything you need to learn how to tap into the altcoin market, so you can take full advantage of the Awakening.

“Four Altcoins to Buy Now “

There are tons of altcoins on the market, so it’s easy to get overwhelmed if you don’t know where to get started.

This report sets you on the right track with four of the best altcoins to consider.

If you’re new to learning about the crypto market, you’ll surely appreciate this step-by-step introduction to the altcoin game. Plus, you’ll have a better idea of what to look for in an ideal altcoin investment.

“The Altcoin Millionaire’s Playbook”

All the background information is great, but the name of the game is having the chance to make money. This report explains how you could turn your newfound altcoin knowledge into cold hard cash.

This report explains the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ behind altcoins investment. It’s the perfect procedural guide to learning how to make money in the altcoin market.

Before you go any farther, you need a game plan, and the Millionaire’s Playbook lays out a step-by-step course that’s ideal for those learning more about altcoins.

“Altcoin Investing for Beginners”

Whether you’re a Bitcoin pioneer or a crypto novice, you’ll find lots of valuable information in the third and final Awakening bonus report.

This is the quintessential altcoin investing guide. It explains the market’s complexities and nuances in exhaustive detail, and it also includes a user-friendly introduction to the technology that powers altcoins and other cryptocurrencies.

You’re sure to find something useful in this report, even if you’re a seasoned investing knowledge veteran.

>> Get started with Crypto Investor Network now <<

Crypto Investor Network Refund Policy

The research industry has been known to have its share of con artists. But, Crypto Investor Network doesn’t fall into that category, and they’re willing to go the extra mile to prove they’re the real deal. guarantee

McCall and Shram are offering one of the most comprehensive satisfaction guarantees, so it’s clear to see they stand by their work.

Most research services don’t offer any type of guarantee whatsoever. If you’re lucky, you might find a handful that offers a thirty-day guarantee that has tons of nit-picking stipulations designed to trip you up.

Crypto Investor Network certainly doesn’t fall into that category. Its 100% satisfaction guarantee is one of the best in the business with an outstanding 90-day refund period.

Best of all, there are no stipulations or fine print. If you’re not happy with the product, you can call customer service and receive a full refund within the first 90 days. No questions asked.

Here’s the actual policy from the Crypto Investor Network website:

“If you’re not happy with your decision 90 days from now — for whatever reason — you’ll receive a FULL REFUND… no questions asked.

You can keep all the reports and we’ll simply part as friends.”

Crypto Investor Network “100% Satisfaction Guarantee

As you can see, this company takes its credibility seriously. The Awakening isn’t some kind of bait-and-switch marketing scheme. Crypto Investor Network continues to provide first-class research service for months after you sign up.

With the 90-day satisfaction guarantee, you can access Crypto Investor Network for three months virtually risk-free. The fact they’re willing to offer such an extensive guarantee speaks volumes about the service’s research quality and customer service.

>> Click here to join and take advantage of the 100% Money-Back Guarantee <<

Crypto Investor Network Pricing Review

You don’t get quality research like this for free. A Crypto Investor Network subscription costs money, but it goes for a lot less than many competing products.

Research services that focus on cryptocurrencies tend to be particularly pricey. However, this service is relatively affordable at just $199 per year.

However, if you sign up now, you’re in store for an excellent bargain. Crypto Investor Network is offering a special 50% discount for Dork readers to celebrate ‘The Awakening’ launch.

For a limited time, you can join Crypto Investor Network for just $99 per year if you sign up using one of the links on this page.

At that rate, you’re paying less than $9 per month for professional-grade research. That’s a bargain you simply can’t beat.

crypto investor network quote

Crypto Investor Network Review: Is It Worth It?

Other crypto trading research services cost thousands of dollars per year, and that’s out of reach for most people.

Fortunately, Crypto Investor Network is pretty affordable 

You can’t beat $99 per year for a top-rate investment research service, especially one that focuses on altcoins.

If that sounds too good to be true, take into consideration the 90-day, 100% satisfaction guarantee. You can call and get a full refund if you’re not happy with the product for any reason, so you have virtually nothing to lose.

Considering all the included bonus materials and refund policy, you get a lot of bang for your buck with Crypto Investor Network.

You can’t beat this offer in terms of credibility and value.

>> Get in on all the biggest blockchain action with Crypto Investor Network <<

crypto investor network quote

Crypto Investor Network: Greatest Hits

First, let’s take a look at Matt McCall’s stock-picking credentials. Here’s one of his top stock picks this year:

crypto btc    

This stock ended up going 6X within a few months, so we can put that pick in the ‘win’ column.

Charlie Shrem is no slouch either. He made some serious money by going all-in on bitcoin early. Just take a look at this extraordinary chart:

crypto btc

Now, let’s see how you could’ve made out if you made an earlier investment in the altcoin market. Take a look at the extraordinary historical gains in these charts from some of the top altcoin performers of the past few years:

crypto CCC

>> Get more top altcoin picks here <<

You would’ve had 30-times your starting position if you bought CCC at the bottom.

crypto EGT

EGT knocked it out of the park with a mind-melting 15,455% gain.

crypto xvg

Finally, Verge is downright ridiculous with a 1.581-million-percent gain. To give you an idea of just how much that is, an investment of just $1 would be worth more than $15,000 today.

>> Sign up for Crypto Investor Network now for more up-and-coming altcoins <<

Crypto Investor Network Reviews : Members Say

Many member testimonials we’ve seen have been positive. However, this service is relatively new on the scene, so it’s hard to find third-party sources.

Investimonials doesn’t have a profile for the service, and we couldn’t find it on Trustpilot either.

Since the service hasn’t been around long, it’s no surprise there aren’t a lot of member testimonials available.

We’re not worried, though. Given the service’s industry-leading refund policy and stand-out track record, we’re confident that the service delivers on its promises.

Crypto Investor Network Review: The Final Verdict

If you didn’t make money on the Bitcoin bull-run, you could have a second chance to ride the rocket ship with the alt-coin ‘Awakening’ if Matt McCall and Charlie Shrem are right.

The cryptocurrency space is anything but predictable, but history proves that it has unmatched potential for explosive investment gains.

Wading into the crypto market without a game plan is a recipe for disaster. You need a game plan if you want to go after a piece of the pie, and Crypto Investor Network equips you with everything you need to learn how to find investment success in this emerging market.

Matt McCall and Charlie Shrem have a unique combination of investment expertise and technical knowledge that makes them one of the most qualified teams on the crypto trading research circuit.

However, Crypto Investor Network offers a lot more than simple recommendations. It’s a comprehensive introduction to the crypto market that includes a library of educational resources and analysis.

Best of all, you’re getting a particularly sweet offer with The Awakening package. The included bonus reports are a huge value, especially the ‘Top-4 Altcoin’ report. The newsletter is almost an afterthought when you consider how much profit potential these under-the-radar opportunities have.

Is Crypto Investor Network Worth It?

You can’t beat Crypto Investor Network in terms of affordability, either. Under the current offer, it’s less than $9 per month on average. However, that offer won’t last forever, so act fast if you want to get in on this deal.

Last but not least, the iron-clad satisfaction guarantee ensures you’ll walk away from your purchase satisfying.

You’ll have 90 full days to evaluate the product and get a full refund if it doesn’t live up to your expectations. No questions asked, just your money back in your hands.

All and all, this service has a mean value proposition, and it’s an ideal option for anyone looking for a fast-track into learning about the altcoin trading game.

That’s it for our Crypto Investor Network review. Click here to sign up for The Awakening and save 50% now.