Staking Ethereum 2.0 from Coinbase? Justin drake believes it will be possible

Developer Justin Drake, who serves as a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, hopes that companies like Coinbase offer the possibility of staking soon on Ethereum 2.0 centrally.

This is what Drake said in the last AMA meeting (“ask me anything”, for its acronym in English) that was held on the Reddit platform last Wednesday.

In addition, the developer said he was convinced that in the medium term reliable decentralized pools will be put into operation. Through them, you can staking Ethereum 2.0 and obtain interest, even if you do not have the 32 ethers (ETH) necessary to have a validator node.

Drake made his remarks in response to a question from a Reddit user who requested a list of legitimate pools. “There are a lot of scams these days and it would be helpful to have a reference list of pools,” this guy told him. Although he did not rule out the possibility of having a list with those characteristics in the future, Drake believes that it is “too early” to be able to make recommendations.

Drake’s hope of centralized companies like Coinbase staking Ethereum 2.0 didn’t seem to convince all of his readers. “I hope they do as it would be an easy gateway for many people to put their funds there,” said another user, then added: “but I have not seen any article that says they are currently working on it.”

The Ethereum researcher’s response provided further data on his assumption: “To be clear, I don’t expect Coinbase to offer centralized staking before genesis.”

Will December 1 be the genesis of Ethereum 2.0?

If on November 24 there are at least 16,384 addresses that have deposited 32 ETH in the corresponding smart contract, the genesis that Drake refers to should occur on December 1 of this year.

At the time of writing, only 3,316 addresses (about a fifth of what is needed) made the corresponding deposit, although the number of addresses with more than 32 ETH in the current 1.0 network is more than 125 thousand.

ETH network update platform

So far, you only have a fifth of the validators needed to kick off Ethereum 2.0. Source:

As CriptoNoticias reported, 100 of these nodes will belong to the co-creator of Ethereum, who contributed 3,200 ETH.