Litecoin (LTC) Closes Prior Hour Up 0.33%; Moves Down For the 2nd Day In A Row

The Hourly View for LTC

Last Updated November 3, 2020, 01:036 GMT

At the moment, LTC’s price is up $0.18 (0.33%) from the hour prior. The hourly chart shows that LTC has seen 2 straight up hours. Regarding the trend, note that the strongest trend exists on the 50 hour timeframe. The moving averages on the hourly timeframe suggest a choppiness in price, as the 20, 50, 100 and 200 are all in a mixed alignment — meaning the trend across timeframes is inconsistent, indicating a potential opportunity for rangebound traders.

Litecoin Daily Price Recap

Litecoin is down 3.09% ($1.72) since yesterday, marking the 2nd day in a row it has gone down. The price move occurred on volume that was up 61.7% from the day prior, but down 38.14% from the same day the week before. Relative to other instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Litecoin ranked 3rd since yesterday in terms of percentage price change. Below is a daily price chart of Litecoin.

Litecoin Technical Analysis

Coming into today the current price of Litecoin is sitting close to its 20 and 100 day moving averages; moving average crosses often indicate a change in momentum, so this may be worth keeping an eye on. Trend traders will want to observe that the strongest trend appears on the 30 day horizon; over that time period, price has been moving up. For additional context, note that price has gone down 8 out of the past 14 days.

Overheard on Twitter

Behold! Here are the top tweets related to Litecoin:

  • From L77ARY:

    @ROYALMRBADNEWS @litecoin_bull @realDonaldTrump @CSNZQ morning all, just wanted to say in advance of the US election tomorrow, a big THANKYOU for all the comms, messages and guidance. I’ve learned a lot lately!


    @PaulieP2 @RedKatLife @CustCarptry @legend_zog @LTCTheRightCoin @ricecrypto @missteencrypto @JasonMack99 @CryptoNana4LTC @changeangel_io Leprechauns don’t need no stinkin’ gold. They want Sound Money for the Digital Age…


    This Is A Bull Market, and Dips Are A Buying Opportunity#ltc🚀 #litecoin🚀

As for a news story related to Litecoin getting some buzz:

Mimblewimble Progress Update Thread – Development – Litecointalk Forum

Im waiting for the testnet since long days but when the date is near they wont give us any update as usual….Are we waiting for the last second?…Going Forward: Now that the MWEB testnet is running, I’m going to focus on ways to make it easy for non-technical litecoin users to start testing it out as well….Next month, I’ll share a detailed plan of all of the remaining work necessary to get MWEB merged to the main repo, so that miners and node operators can start signaling for activation sometime in 2021!…Thank you for the hard work.