Litecoin (LTC) Closes Last Hour Down $-1.78; 2 Day Up Streak Ended, in an Uptrend Over Past 30 Days

The Hourly View for LTC

Last Updated November 26, 2020, 02:036 GMT

At the time of this writing, LTC’s price is down $-1.78 (-2.18%) from the hour prior. It’s been a feast for bears operating on an hourly timeframe, as LTC has now gone down 4 of the past 5 hours. Regarding the trend, note that the strongest trend exists on the 50 hour timeframe. The moving averages on the hourly timeframe suggest a choppiness in price, as the 20, 50, 100 and 200 are all in a mixed alignment — meaning the trend across timeframes is inconsistent, indicating a potential opportunity for rangebound traders.

Litecoin Daily Price Recap

81.77 (USD) was the opening price of the day for Litecoin, resulting in yesterday being one in which price moved down 8.43% ($7.53) from yesterday. The price move occurred on volume that was down 35.16% from the day prior, but up 11.83% from the same day the week before. Out of the 7 instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Litecoin ended up ranking 5th for the day in terms of price change relative to yesterday. The daily price chart of Litecoin below illustrates.

Litecoin Technical Analysis

Trend traders will want to observe that the strongest trend appears on the 14 day horizon; over that time period, price has been moving up. Or to view things another way, note that out of the past 10 days Litecoin’s price has gone up 7 them.

Overheard on Twitter

Over on Twitter, here were the top tweets about Litecoin:

  • From masterltcbtcbot:

    The current LTCBTC ratio is 0.00466026Litecoin is an oscillator to bitcoin & next peak cycle we expect the LTCBTC ratio to peak around .025At today’s bitcoin price we expect litecoin’s price to be: $193 at .010
    $289 at .015
    $386 at .020
    $482 at .025$1207 at .0625 max

  • From lite_hause:

    November Litecoin update (11/01-11/25)🔵 Mimblewimble EB testnet is a month and a half in.
    🔵Grayscale’s Litecoin under management has seen a 104% increase
    🔵Litecoin’s price is up by 52%
    🔵Litecoin velvet fork discussion underway


    Here is my plan
    1. Reduced stock exposure to zero
    2. Reduced spending
    3. Sold property land/car/etc
    4. Skipped loan payments (auto/etc)
    5. Bought more litecoin

As for a news story related to Litecoin getting some buzz:

Cardano and Litecoin discuss velvet fork to achieve interoperability

The project is the construction of a “bridge” between the blockchains of Litecoin and Cardano….In a later publication, Schwartz explained that communication between the networks could be implemented with a velvet fork….However, the researcher and the director of the Litecoin Foundation were optimistic about the acceptance that an initiative like the proposal will have in the communities.