Police Chief Dane Mastin addresses the Jonesville Town Council durings its monthly meeting.
Things looked a little different at Monday’s meeting of the Jonesville Town Council. For months Councilmembers have had to sit in different seats to properly social distance but now thanks to plexiglass dividers and clear face shields they can resume their usual seats in the Council Chambers at Town Hall.
Monday’s meeting began with a public hearing regarding a rezoning request on Osborne St. to allow for a manufactured home. No speakers came forward against the rezoning and the request was approved. Town Manager Michael Pardue noted the street has other manufactured homes nearby.
Councilwoman Anita Darnell spoke briefly during the public comment portion of Monday’s meeting to congratulate re-elected incumbents Tracy Wall and Regina Adkins as well as newcomer Michael Tilley. Darnell also thanked long-time board member Wayne Moore for his service to the council.
Pardue gave a short update on behalf of the public works department, noting damage and flooding in the wake of Tropical Storm Zeta. A bridge on S. Jonesville Boulevard sustained damage and Pardue said there is no “quick fix” option to repair the damage. Plans are being discussed on the repair and there is an alternate route to access homes on the street.
Pardue also noted new town signage which has gone up near the I-77 interchange.
Police Chief Dane Mastin gave his monthly update to the council. He noted an unsolved case involving an armed robbery at Margaritas restaurant next to Food Lion. Employees were tied up and the armed suspect absconded with an undisclosed amount of cash. Mastin said they had little go on as the suspect was wearing a hoodie, mask and gloves and could not be identified by the victims.
Toby Butcher with the Jonesville Greenway Trail Association gave a detailed update on storm damage to the greenway. He said work has been done to get the trail back in a useable state for area residents to enjoy. Butcher noted the help with clean up on the trail by the owner of the nearby RV Park Riverwalk. Butcher also discussed future plans to create mountain bike trails.
Finance Director Wendy Thompson gave an update on CARES funding and noted that there are funds available to utility assistance for area residents who have lost jobs due to the pandemic. Thompson also noted a significant increase in the allocation amount the town received from the ABC Board.
The next meeting of the Jonesville Town Council is slated for 7 p.m. on Dec. 14.
Kitsey Burns Harrison may be reached at 336-258-4035 or on Twitter and Instagram @RippleReporterK.