Ethereum Price – Two Potential Scenarios before 2021

Ether jumped well above the USD 400 price and consolidated around USD 450 in an attempt to break a very important area. This challenge is being calculated by traders in order to get a sense of the general consensus of the crypto market as a whole. Which area are we talking about specifically?

Ethereum Technical Analysis

Since the beginning of 2020, the price of Ether has been on a solid uptrend. The events of the market crash worldwide slowed down the pace for a while, but prices recovered well and continued on their uptrend. (fig.1)

ETH/USD 1 day chart – Uptrend in 2020
Fig.1 ETH/USD 1 day chart – Uptrend in 2020 –

Last week, Ether reached a 2-year all-time high price of USD 468, defying all naysayers who were skeptical about the return of this contract based cryptocurrency. During the weekend though, prices did adjust and fell roughly 9%. Despite this sudden fall (which might have wiped out short term traders who placed tight Stop Loss levels), the price stayed in an uptrend channel (fig.2). A Fibonacci retracement also would’ve signaled a heads up for a potential retracement in the short term.

and using technical analysis is very important to time trade entries, and plan
important trade exits. Even long term traders know when to enter or exit the
market, as they usually reshuffle their portfolios depending on market dynamics
and performances.

ETH/USD 1 hour chart – Short term uptrend channel
Fig.2 ETH/USD 1 hour chart – Short term uptrend channel –

Ethereum Price – The important price of USD 500

We usually mention in our
analysis quite often the term “psychological price”. Those levels are not only important
support or resistance areas, but also key whole numbered prices which affect traders’
emotional trading analyses.

With the price of Ether, the
psychological price of USD 500 is of utmost importance. In fact, this level was
a determining element in support and resistance during the great bull run of cryptos
back in 2017 (fig.3). Prices moved
and were highly volatile when reaching this area, having two potential
scenarios happening before 2021 theoretically.

ETH/USD 1 week chart – Importance of the USD 500 level
Fig.3 ETH/USD 1 week chart – Importance of the USD 500 level –

Ethereum Price Prediction– Two Potential Scenarios

If we want to account for what might happen from a standard viewpoint, it is true that markets either go up or down. But determining the general consensus of the market has a lot of other aspects as well:

  • Knowing
    the general trend of the whole cryptocurrency
  • Placing
    Trade entries and exits
  • Using
    adequate risk management levels
  • Easier
    charting and a better understanding of the price

Scenario 1:

In this scenario, the price of Ether continues on its uptrend and breaks through the psychological level of USD 500 before 2021 in a similar pattern from 2017, where volatility increases, and in turn pushes the price to higher highs (fig.4)

ETH/USD 1 week chart – Scenario 1
Fig.4 ETH/USD 1 week chart – Scenario 1 –

Scenario 2:

The price of Ether fails to break the USD 500 price, and breaches below the long term uptrend yellow line of 2020 and consolidates between the price of USD 300 and USD 400.

ETH/USD 1 week chart – Scenario 2
Fig.5 ETH/USD 1 week chart – Scenario 2 –

Stay Ahead, Stay Updated

Rudy Fares

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Disclaimer: The authors of this website may have invested in crypto currencies themselves. They are not financial advisors and only express their opinions. Anyone considering investing in crypto currencies should be well informed about these high-risk assets.

Trading with financial products, especially with CFDs involves a high level of risk and is therefore not suitable for security-conscious investors. CFDs are complex instruments and carry a high risk of losing money quickly through leverage. Be aware that most private Investors lose money, if they decide to trade CFDs. Any type of trading and speculation in financial products that can produce an unusually high return is also associated with increased risk to lose money. Note that past gains are no guarantee of positive results in the future. 

Posted By

Rudy Fares

Equity Trader, Financial Consultant, Musician and Blockchain Aficionado. I spend my time doing Technical and Fundamental Analyses for Stocks, Currencies, Commodities and Cryptocurrencies.

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