Aspire launches ‘broadcasting on the blockchain’ for storing messages forever

Digital asset technology creator Aspire Technology today announced its own unique “broadcasting on the blockchain” feature that will allow its customers to generate and broadcast their own messages on its distributed ledger blockchain platform.

These special messages will be permanently stored on its blockchain platform, pitched as a channel for brand marketing and declaring special milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries or even marriage proposals.

“Everything is virtual these days and with all of the information available online, it’s hard to record and store messages or claims permanently,” said Jim Blasko, founder and chief executive of Aspire. “Aspire gives brands and individual users alike the chance to create their own low-cost asset and now broadcast messages that are stored forever on the blockchain.”

Blockchain technology reduces counterfeit message fraud by providing cryptographic proof alongside each text that it has not been tampered with. It’s also distributed among multiple nodes, each of which contains a copy of the message, meaning that a user can check every copy to be certain that it is the same. In this manner, messages remain permanent and unchangeable.

The Aspire platform also seeks to improve on speed, cost and security over other platforms by creating both fungible and non-fungible tokens. That allows professional developers and hobbyists alike to create digital assets involving up to 92 billion tokens per asset, as well as unlimited sub-assets, with no programming experience required, for about a dollar per sub-asset.

That means that Aspire’s platform can become the basis for many applications such as memory scrapbooking where people could broadcast their lifetime milestones such as birth announcements, birthdays, wedding announcements and similar interpersonal social broadcasts.

A  company or brand, likewise, could use the platform to broadcast messages to customers that would be stored permanently in the blockchain using cryptography to ensure security.

Aspire’s on-chain token, ASP, is now available on cryptocurrency exchanges including HitBTC, Changelly and, and Aspire can be tracked on CoinGecko.

Photo: Pixabay

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