UK Litigation Roundup: Here’s What You Missed In London

Law360, London (October 9, 2020, 4:43 PM BST) — This past week in London has seen auditors BSG Valentine hit with another contract breach claim, telecommunications giant BT sue a data center provider, and Lloyd’s of London’s electronic platform face off with a software company. 

Here, Law360 looks at those and other new claims in the U.K.

Financial Services

Societe Generale Equipment Finance Ltd. v. Gill Associates Ltd and others

The equipment financing arm of Societe Generale filed a part 7 claim on Oct. 8 against Gill Associates Ltd. and three directors. 

Societe Generale Equipment Finance Ltd. is represented by Addleshaw Goddard LLP.

The case is Societe Generale Equipment Finance Ltd. v. Gill Associates Ltd. and…

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