Litecoin (LTC) Closes Last Hour Down $0.00; Heads Up For the 2nd Straight Day

The Hourly View for LTC

Last Updated October 1, 2020, 23:16 GMT

Currently, LTC’s price is down $0 (0%) from the hour prior. It’s been a feast for bears operating on an hourly timeframe, as LTC has now gone down 4 of the past 5 hours. 1 The moving averages on the hourly timeframe suggest a bearishness in price, as the 20, 50, 100 and 200 are all in a bearish alignment — meaning the shorter duration moving averages are below the longer duration averages, implying a stable downward trend.

Litecoin Daily Price Recap

Litecoin is up 1.23% ($0.56) since yesterday, marking the 2nd straight day an upward move has occurred. The change in price came along side change in volume that was up 3.04% from previous day, but down 2.98% from the Wednesday of last week. On a relative basis, yesterday was pretty good: Litecoin bested all 7 of the assets in the Top Cryptos class 🙂 Below is a daily price chart of Litecoin.

Litecoin Technical Analysis

Notably, Litecoin is now close to its 20 and 200 day moving averages, which may act as price barrier for the asset. Volatility for Litecoin has been contracting over the past two weeks relative to volatility over the past month. Whether volatility reverts will be something to watch. Trend traders will want to observe that the strongest trend appears on the 30 day horizon; over that time period, price has been moving down. For another vantage point, consider that Litecoin’s price has gone up 8 of the previous 14 trading days.

Overheard on Twitter

For laughs, fights, or genuinely useful information, let’s see what the most popular tweets pertaining to Litecoin for the past day were:


    Litecoin MimbleWimble Testnet launches tonight. @DavidBurkett38 will spend the rest of the evening documenting everything and seeing if he can get an automated build of litecoin w/ libmw. more nodes will be added to the network tomorrow@APompliano

  • From BoilingPointLLC:

    So how bout it @litebringergame, a custom special edition #Warlock Chikun character for the game. Limited to 84, they can be found on quests. it’ll be like hitting the lottery. Lets bring the game and the #cryptocurrency together on this one. #Litecoin

  • From Monica4Truth:

    @NewProgressivez @AgtFearlesCan @AliceMasci @CanadaSpecialA1 @SusannarussoP @litecoin_bull @AGENTJUSTICE4AL No! Kevin Annett, a pastor, has been smeared/ discredited by people in high places because he’s speaking out for the missing & abused children & exposing those responsible! Great person to learn from! God bless him!

In terms of news links for Litecoin here’s one to try:

Nexo Now an Official Credit Partner to Litecoin Foundation • Nexo

By working together, Nexo and Litecoin expand their capabilities and offerings to build a larger, stronger and more sustainable digital assets ecosystem….Nexo is the world’s leading regulated financial institution for digital assets.