LINK YFL and YFII Prices Rise with OKCoin News

OKCoin LINK, one of the world’s leading crypto money platforms, gave the good news of YFL and YFII. All three altcoins were positively affected by this announcement.

With an official statement on OKCoin Medium, one of the most popular crypto currency exchanges, he announced that more DeFi tokens will be listed soon. Claiming that it wants to follow the demands of its users and the trends in the cryptocurrency world, OKCoin; He announced that Chainlink (LINK), YF Link (YFL) and (YFII) coins will be listed on the stock exchange. In the published statement, the term “soon” was used, although no exact date was given. OKCoin previously listed its support for DeFi as Compound (COMP), (YFI) and Uniswap (UNI) tokens.

OKCoin Users Can Easily Add DeFi Coins to Their Portfolio

OKCoin states that they have taken this step so that their users around the world can easily reach the DeFi world. Users will be able to easily add DeFi assets to their portfolios by depositing money into their accounts via OKCoin. OKCoin said that investors and traders can buy and sell DeFi protocols on the OKCoin platform, which is secure, licensed and globally regulated.

According to the official statement, the parities included in the listing are for the beginning; It will be in the form of LINK / USD, YFL / USD AND YFII / USD. These 3 altcoins, on the other hand, rose significantly after the OKCoin news.

Chainlink (LINK)

With a total market capitalization approaching $ 4.5 billion, LINK is a DeFi protocol that can be used as a payment for node transactions and can be staked as collateral to provide oracle service.

Chainlink (LINK), which is in the 7th place in the list of most valuable crypto coins and is now the number 1 DeFi coin, has increased by 5% in the last 24 hours with the effect of the OKCoin news. LINK, which has increased close to 20% in the last 7 days, is currently being bought and sold at $ 11.41.


YF Link (YFL)

YF Link is a forked platform from the project that promises users to stake LINK for liquidity and yield farming models. The listing of the YFL token by a cryptocurrency exchange will be performed by OKCoin for the first time.

The YF Link token, which has risen considerably in the last 24 hours, is trading at $ 431. YFL has increased by approximately 23% in the past 1 day with the great impact of the OKCoin announcement. Although its market value is currently just under $ 20.4 million, YFL is important for DeFi investors.


YFII is the governance token of the platform. YFII forked from the code, ensuring equal distribution of tokens; It is a coin that acts as a halving for mining and the yield farming model.

YFII, which has increased by 14% in the last 24 hours, is currently being bought and sold for $ 2,500. With a total market value of 97 million dollars, YFII’s 1-day trading volume corresponds to an average of 317 million dollars.