Hackers Attack Trump Website, Ask for Monero

For half an hour today, potential supporters of President Trump were unable to access some pages of his campaign website. They were, however, able to learn about Monero.

Visitors to the site donaldjtrump.com today would have seen the words “this site was seized” (all in lower case) complete with replica seals from the Department of Justice and FBI.


The hacker(s) proclaimed that they had gained access to Trump and Trump family devices which revealed “strictly classified information…proving that the trump-gov is involved in the origin of the corona virus.”


Not only that. Trump also apparently had “criminal involvment [sic] and coorperation [sic] with foreign actors manipulating the 2020 elections.”

Double bombshell!

The hacker then asked readers whether or not they wanted to share the data by sending Monero, a privacy coin often used for malware, to a “yes” or “no” address.

“After the deadline we will compare the funds and execute the will of the world. In both cases we will inform you,” the page read.

A Trump campaign spokesperson denied that any sensitive data had been taken from the website, which is now back to normal.