USSF Appoint Blockchain Company For Space Age Security

To develop their space age security systems, the United States Space Force (USSF) has appointed a blockchain company.

Both the USSF and the United States, in order to develop their blockchain solutions, the Air Force has appointed Xage Security. For end-to-end data protection, the company will implement their Xage Security Fabric solution. The decentralised network eliminates any single point of failure, while allowing the USSF to monitor all network activity.

Duncan Greatwood, CEO of Xage Security, said that the blockchain meets many of the USSF’s complex needs: “The USSF requires decentralized enforcement of security to establish space domain resilience and objective situational awareness––across every asset and data element. We built the Xage solution to serve the needs of complex critical infrastructure systems, and are excited to bring the Xage solution to the Space Force in the form of a blockchain-protected space system security.”

While it is still not clear which states are going to be major players in space, it is already clear that cyber attacks are not restricted by the gravitational pull of the earth. That makes cyber security important, and an ideal solution is blockchain technology.

You may want to check out the power of the Bitcoin SV (BSV) blockchain at CoinGeek Live if you’re not into rocket science, and cybersecurity is essential to your gambling operation. Strictly adhering to Satoshi Nakamoto’s original vision, BSV can enable gambling companies to make payments with negligible fees and also use the blockchain, just like the USSF, to securely transmit and record important data. And as the only blockchain that can scale the blockchain massively, BSV is uniquely suited to handle the volume of transactions required by a serious company, such as a gambling operation.

If you want to learn more about Bitcoin SV, then the place to do it is CoinGeek Live. CoinGeek Live is a digital conference running from September 30 to October 2, featuring all of the latest developments on the BSV blockchain. Only on the BSV blockchain will attendees learn about the latest applications, concepts and developments made possible.

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