Top 5 Best Cryptocurrencies You Need to Know About

There are more than 5000 cryptocurrencies available out there, and choosing the best cryptocurrency to invest is not an easy task. Digital currencies are the trending topic that is attracting new candidates every now and then.

These virtual currencies exist because of technology. They are also known as technology dependence currencies. Out of all digital currencies, bitcoin was invented first and popular all over the world. Cryptocurrencies made transactions easy, quick, low transaction fees, and eliminated the needs for any third parties.

Why Should You Invest in Cryptocurrencies?

You must invest in cryptocurrencies because its benefits are numerous as compared to fiat currencies. If you choose to invest in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, you will get a high Return On Investment (ROI).

However, it is regarded as 2020 is the best year for investing in cryptocurrencies, and you must move ahead. But keep in mind that the cryptocurrency markets are always fluctuating because of their volatility nature.

Moreover, the cryptocurrency journey can come to an end if you don’t pay any attention to its security. You also need to keep yourself aware of the cyber thefts who are highly experienced and qualified in the world of scams. This is the reason why choosing the best crypto wallet is essential to keep your digital currencies safe.

Top 5 Best Cryptocurrencies You need to know About

Now, if you are willing to invest in cryptocurrencies, you must know the top five cryptocurrencies that listed below,

1. Bitcoin:

As already discussed above, bitcoin is the first digital cryptocurrency that is popular all over the world. It was invented in the year 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Over the years, bitcoin has a volatile yet consistent growth.

The investors will receive benefits from high liquidity levels as long as bitcoin continues to dominate the cryptocurrency market.

Bitcoin is the most traded currency globally. So, if you want to invest in the cryptocurrency world, then bitcoin should be your first option. You can also visit Crypto Legacy Pro for more information.

2. Neo:

Neo is another top cryptocurrency on our list. It is a risky investment, yet its low price makes it quick to accommodate any portfolio. The value of Neo is slowly rising upwards and gaining momentum.

On the other hand, Neo is often referred to as China-based Ethereum. On the Neo platforms, tokens are distributed to prove ownership of an asset.

Moreover, to fund the long-term goals of the Neo development team, a total of fifteen million tokens are released every year.

3. Ethereum:

After bitcoin, the second-best cryptocurrency is Ethereum. This cryptocurrency will remain a powerful purchase in the years to come because it has firm team members and community.

This can be your best investment after bitcoin in 2020. Ethereum is the 2nd most liquid digital currencies ranking right below Bitcoin.

On the other hand, the Ethereum blockchain enables thousands of projects to develop on top of it. You can also sell or buy this virtual currency easily.

4. Litecoin:

Despite the strong competition, Litecoin is considered as one of the best cryptocurrency in the world. However, the price of bitcoins largely depends on adoption.

The best benefit of investing in this cryptocurrency is that it is much affordable and fastest when it comes to payments. The algorithm of Litecoin is also very easy to understand.

This virtual currency allows investors to jump in because each LTC unit currently trades for less than a hundred dollars.

5. Ripple:

Right after Bitcoin and Ethereum, this cryptocurrency comes in third place. The solid technology and network of Ripple are rapidly opening new opportunities in the field of payment networks, banking, and international commerce.

On the other hand, some experts believe that 2020 can be the best year for this cryptocurrency because of its adoption rates, and its price will increase significantly.

Ripple also offers financial settlements to banks for quick transactions across the border.


Therefore, these are the top 5 cryptocurrencies out of several cryptocurrencies that exist. Consider the features of each virtual currency if you are willing to invest in it.

These are the best opportunities to invest, and you can choose any platform according to your convenience.