Ripple (XRP) Closes Prior Hour Up 0.12%; Nears 20 Day Moving Average, Breaks Above 20 Day Average

The Hourly View for XRP

Last Updated September 30, 2020, 01:037 GMT

At the time of this writing, XRP’s price is up $0 (0.12%) from the hour prior. It’s been a feast for bears operating on an hourly timeframe, as XRP has now gone down 4 of the past 5 hours. 2 The moving averages on the hourly timeframe suggest a choppiness in price, as the 20, 50, 100 and 200 are all in a mixed alignment — meaning the trend across timeframes is inconsistent, indicating a potential opportunity for rangebound traders.

Ripple Daily Price Recap

0.2428 (USD) was the opening price of the day for Ripple, resulting in yesterday being one in which price moved up 0.75% ($0.0018) from yesterday. This move happened on lower volume, as yesterday’s volume was down 7.64% from the day before — and down 13.43% from the same day the week before. Those trading within the Top Cryptos asset class should know that Ripple was the worst performer in the class during yesterday. Let’s take a look at the daily price chart of Ripple.

Ripple Technical Analysis

Notably, Ripple crossed above its 20 day moving average yesterday. The clearest trend exists on the 90 day timeframe, which shows price moving up over that time. Interestingly, a trend in the other direction exists on the 30 day timeframe, where price is headed down. If you’re looking to trade the primary trend, this may be a good opportunity to buy dips created by the counter trend. For another vantage point, consider that Ripple’s price has gone up 9 of the previous 14 trading days.

Overheard on Twitter

For laughs, fights, or genuinely useful information, let’s see what the most popular tweets pertaining to Ripple for the past day were:

  • From Kevin_Cage_:

    If you are an $XRP Holder & honestly believe it will never appreciate in price because ‘they will never ramp up volume or txn size’, please do us all a favor & sell your XRP. We’ll be happy to buy it up at a discount. XRP does not care what you believe lol#NotFinancialAdvice

  • From sentosumosaba:

    Christine was never talking about XRP, it was all about the CBDC. Miguel failed at building XRP liquidity so ended up working for an app Co. owned by a multi-level marketing company, and Zagone just joined a company that has never been a supporter of Ripple. “Onward”

  • From EricCobaltXrp:

    I’ve been in the space for 2 and a half years. Five weeks ago I met a sweet girl whom became the 6th person I got in #XRP. Within a couple of weeks she in turn got 3 people to invest in $XRP. Either she’s got out of this world sales skills or people are wanting change.

For a longer news piece related to XRP that’s been generating discussion, check out:

The Role of Blockchain and Digital Assets in Cross-Border Payments | Ripple

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