CompTIA Advisory Council Busts Blockchain Myths

CompTIA has released a new educational infographic on blockchain that dispels myths and misunderstandings about a technology that has the potential to transform the way businesses and industries operate.

CompTIA’s Blockchain Advisory Council has identified seven popular myths about blockchain and analyzed the truth behind each one. Among the council’s conclusions: blockchain isn’t bitcoin; it’s cost-effective and efficient (not costly and cumbersome); and enterprises of all sizes can implement solutions leveraging the technology.

Click on the image below to see CompTIA’s Blockchain resource.

(Image credit: CompTIA)

“As blockchain and distributed ledger technologies mature, business leaders will need to understand the basics of what it is and dispel the myths of what it isn’t,” said Jason Sfaelos, director, strategic business development, blockchain and neural data systems for Equinix, and vice chair of the CompTIA Blockchain Advisory Council.