Ripple (XRP) Up $0.0012 Over Past 4 Hours, Started Today Up 4.43%; Price Base in Formation Over Past 14 Days

Ripple 4 Hour Price Update

Updated August 14, 2020 11:19 AM GMT (07:19 AM EST)

The back and forth price flow continues for Ripple, which started the current 4 hour candle off at 0.2948 US dollars, up 0.41% ($0.0012) from the last 4 hour candle. Out of the 5 instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Ripple ended up ranking 2nd for the four-hour candle in terms of price change relative to the last 4 hour candle.

Ripple Daily Price Recap

Ripple entered today at $0.2949, up 4.43% ($0.0125) from yesterday. The price move occurred on stronger volume; specifically, yesterday’s volume was up 27.4% from the day prior, and up 23.66% from the same day the week before. Out of the 5 instruments in the Top Cryptos asset class, Ripple ended up ranking 3rd for the day in terms of price change relative to yesterday. Below is a daily price chart of Ripple.

Ripple Technical Analysis

Volatility for Ripple has been contracting over the past two weeks relative to volatility over the past month. Whether volatility reverts will be something to watch. Trend traders will want to observe that the strongest trend appears on the 30 day horizon; over that time period, price has been moving up. Also of note is that on a 14 day basis price appears to be forming a base — which could the stage for it being a support/resistance level going forward. For additional context, note that price has gone up 8 out of the past 14 days.

Overheard on Twitter

For laughs, fights, or genuinely useful information, let’s see what the most popular tweets pertaining to Ripple for the past day were:

  • From bgarlinghouse:

    2/ I’ll let the data speak for itself:
    – ODL (product that uses XRP) has accounted for more than $2 billion in txns since its launch
    – ODL volume grew 11x YoY comparing H1’19 v. H1’20
    – In less than 3yrs, we’ve processed 2B+ txns on RippleNet w a notional value of $7B+ (2/4)

  • From LordDurden:

    Potentialities:$SOL will be the $ETH of this cycle $RSR will be the $XRP of this cycle $KAI will be the $NEO of this cycle $DIA will be the $LINK of this cycle $OCEAN will be the $IOTA of this cycle Also put $ACDX, $CREDIT, & $OM on your radar. All should run hard.

  • From CryptJerry:

    My friend and I are 25 years old now. He bought LINK at less than $.30 cents and I went the opposite way I bought XRP. We both invested the same amount in 2017. He’s retired now . I’m not going to lie I’m a bit jealous.

For a longer news piece related to XRP that’s been generating discussion, check out:

Ensuring That Our Digital Future Is a Sustainable One | Ripple

A fully digital future is one that would instinctively rely on digital payment assets like cryptocurrency….XRP is fundamentally a much more sustainable asset than the likes of Bitcoin or Ethereum, only consuming a scant 0.0079 KWh of electricity per transaction.  A major reason why XRP is so much more sustainable than other cryptocurrency is that all XRP tokens currently exist, meaning no additional energy is required to make more of this asset….Put simply, a digital future that works for all must also be a sustainable future.