Brian Armstrong of Coinbase discusses apple’s hostility towards the platform

  • You may remember a few months ago, the Coinbase platform warned its customers that it could remove its application from the Apple App Store. 
  • It seems that the two companies haven’t kissed and made up just yet as Brian Armstrong sent out a tweet on the 22nd of August saying that the company continues to block some functionalities cryptocurrencies.

You may remember a few months ago, the Coinbase platform warned its customers that it could remove its application from the Apple App Store. It seems that the two companies haven’t kissed and made up just yet as the chief executive officer of the platform, Brian Armstrong sent out a tweet on the 22nd of August saying that the company continues to block some functionalities cryptocurrencies. This included being able to earn money as well as unrestricted decentralised applications. 

He further went on to say:

“Apple has been very restrictive and hostile to cryptocurrency over the years. They’re still blocking some functionality right now, including the ability to earn money with cryptocurrency by completing tasks, and unrestricted dapp browsers.”

At the end of last year in December, the platform told its customers that it would have to remove its dApp browser from its application in order to meet the policies that Apple have in place for its App Store. At the time, Google play and Apple both wanted to remove these from the network.

It seemed that Apple were particularly in favour of getting this removed but in recent times, it has been under fire for unfair terms which it gives to developers and publishers. Even the games developer Epic Games (the company behind Fortnite) have all called out the Silicon Valley conglomerate looking for fairer terms to its developers.

It will be interesting to see how this situation plays out. For more news on this and other crypto updates, keep it with CryptoDaily!