Ripple Teams Up With Santander on International Payments

Mainstream banking giant Santander has teamed up with blockchain and crypto payments outfit Ripple after customer requests for improved speed. 

“Customers told us that the international payments process could be better so we partnered with Ripple to explore how blockchain could make transactions faster, cheaper and more transparent,” Ed Metzger, CTO of One Pay FX said in a statement posted by Ripple on July 9. 

A forward-thinking entity, Santander constructed One Pay FX as a borderless blockchain-based payment channel, in the form of an app. The statement noted Santander built the app alongside Ripple. 

Customer feedback

Metzger described feedback from app customers noting difficulties with transaction exchange rate clarity and timing confusion.  

Metzger explained:

Ripple helps us directly address the issues raised by our customers […] Whether they are putting down a deposit on a holiday rental or paying a foreign supplier, they see exactly how much will arrive when they’re making the payment and have certainty about when it will get there.”