Ripple FAQ on RippleNet XRP and OnDemand Liquidity and More Important on No Give Aways

Ripple have added a FAQ page about Ripple, RippleNet and XRP. The FAQ answers a range of questions from What is Ripple, the company’s mission, What is RippleNet, and On-Demand Liquidity.

Further they have covered up for the number of customers who have signed up for RippleNet and on how it is possible for Financial institutions from across the world to be able to Join in RippleNet.

For those who are still not clear about the difference between Ripple and XRP, they have made it clear.

For those who have applied to join the RippleNet, but have not got any response, Ripple have to state that they are currently engaged with several partners who are looking to integrate the Ripple product with theirs and to further deploy the same within their client base.  Due to the limited bandwidth they are now in conversations only with partners in relationships with financial institutions who are willing to use Ripple for payments for the time being. Once the established groundwork is complete with financial institutions, RippleNet are looking to reopen exploratory and research conversations for long-term growth initiatives.

For those who are looking for jobs at Ripple, they are directed to check in to the Careers page.

There are concerns whether the price of XRP will affect the institutions who are adopting On-demand liquidity.  Ripple states no. Further clarifying that financial institutions are exposed to limited volatility during the transaction course.

Since Ripple is not a publically traded company it is not possible to buy stock.  They have also provided some links to popular articles about Ripple.

About the Ripple FAQ, Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert tweeted:  “Ripple XRP have made it easy for users to get to know Ripple, RippleNet and ODL with the FAQ.  Handy sets of information about their product and very clarifying.”

Ripple (XRP) Lot of Details

A lot of details about XRP is provided in the Ripple FAQ. Everything ranging from what is XRP and how to trade XRP. 

Lot of investors have questions about why the price of the XRP is changing so much.  Adequate answers in this regard like market dynamics and how XRP does not represent ownership interest in Ripple are all well explained. What an investor should do when they have not heard from the exchange and related customer support policies and practices are also discussed.

Details about stolen XRP, Digital Wallets, on how there are no give away and due diligence checks are given. Details about XRP technology is given as well.  The FAQ is enough to get a structural knowledge of XRP.