Now Supports Segwit, Dark Mode, & Manage Coinbase Wallet Capability

Global blockchain payments provider BitPay recently announced it has updated its mobile app to support Segwit as well as have dark mode available and the ability to directly among Coinbase wallets.

At BitPay, we constantly strive to improve our products and deliver you the best possible customer experience.  That’s why we’re excited to share that we’ve added support for SegWit in our wallet as an optional feature. In addition, we have enhanced our integration with Coinbase to enable users to directly manage their Coinbase wallets from inside the BitPay App. Last, we’ve created a new dark mode setting within the app for those users who prefer this mode.  Dark mode will be released and available sometime in July, but all of these other great features are available right now.”

BitPay further explained that SegWit is the process by which the block size limit on a blockchain is increased by removing signature data from Bitcoin transactions. SegWit allows users to save around 30% in miner fees so they can spend less on fees, and more money on the things they really want.

“Support for SegWit is currently an optional feature for Bitcoin wallets in the BitPay App.  Users must create a new bitcoin wallet to take advantage of Segwit. Later this year, as part of a phased rollout plan, support for SegWit will be a default for all Bitcoin wallets.  In addition later this year, SegWit will be implemented for invoice payments.”

BitPay also explained it updated the fee estimation algorithm in the BitPay App to improve accuracy, reduce transaction confirmation times, and lower fees. In regards to the Coinbase Wallet feature, BitPay added:

“The improved Coinbase integration lets you see your funds exactly as if you were in the Coinbase platform.  Funds can be managed and are presented in a simple and user-friendly fashion.”