ESPN Global integrates blockchain with online gaming

  • ESPN Global has integrated blockchain with online gaming.
  • The company has high hopes for the project, with plans to further expand it and add more games.
  • In the future, it will also offer its SGT token in an IEO.

The ESPN Global E-Sports programming network recently announced that it has integrated online gaming with blockchain technology. The move does not come as a huge surprise, considering that gaming has been one of the oldest allies of the blockchain industry.

ESPN Global moves its online games to the blockchain

The move is certainly welcome, as it can help push adoption, and more importantly, continue to revolutionize both blockchain and gaming alike.

According to the announcement, the integration will allow players to participate in various battles and tournaments, and win money when they win. Meanwhile, those who obtain premium membership will also get priority access to games like slots.

Furthermore, they can also receive early access to some of the more popular upcoming games.

The platform is currently in the pre-launch phase. However, players will be able to start making crypto deposits and withdrawals soon enough.

To achieve this, ESPN Global teamed up with Cryptopay, a digital currency payment specialist, which will process transactions for the platform.

What is next for ESPN Global?

As many likely know, ESPN Global is a UK-based e-Sports platform. The company is a subsidiary of Poland-based ESPN Global Corporation LTD.

It has had plenty of popular games over time, all of which are now available in a single app. This new format allows users to select a game, and join others who wish to play it. This opens the door to competitions and rewards for winning.

One of the ESPN Global’s directors, Chris Parker, commented on the new move. He said that “As per a research done by 3EA Limited, a global strategic management consulting group, e-sports, and online gaming is a $140 billion global industry driven predominantly by digital micro-transaction economies, which we believe will benefit immensely from the integrity and resilience of the Blockchain technology.

Blockchain, of course, is the key technology for managing microtransactions. In the future, the company hopes to further advance the app, and also integrate other blockchain-based games. At some point, the firm will even hold an IEO, and create and launch its ERC-20 token Smart Gaming Token (SGT).