DAML distributed app coding language launches on Corda blockchain

Digital finance technology company IntellectEU Inc. today announced that the DAML programming language for distributed applications has been launched for R3’s enterprise-grade distributed ledger blockchain technology Corda.

DAML, which stands for Digital Asset Modeling Language, is a programming language created by Digital Asset Holdings LLC to provide a way for developers to create distributed applications, or dapps, that run without centralized servers across the networked nodes of a blockchain.

R3’s provides Corda, an open-source blockchain platform designed for business and enterprise, so clients have the infrastructure necessary to build and operate blockchains and thus run dapps. By distributing the computing power, storage and logic across multiple, geographically separate nodes, dapps can be more resilient to failures and error than centralized apps.

At present, developers have only had access to Kotlin, a general-purpose programming language, or Java to write an execute apps on the Corda platform. With the launch of DAML, developers will have access to a broad new set of features.

“DAML is the easiest and most robust way to develop distributed applications for businesses that we have seen,” said Thomas Bohner, vice president of IntellectEU. “This new offering brings the power, flexibility and time-to-market advantages of DAML to the widely adopted Corda platform, allowing our clients to deploy fully supported solutions to production on both Corda Enterprise and Corda Open Source.”

Digital Asset partners with technology infrastructure providers, such as R3, to integrate DAML with blockchain services, database and cloud technologies. IntellectEU assists by providing commercial integration to enable the development of distributed products.

In addition to Corda, DAML is currently integrated with VMware Blockchain and IBM Corp.’s Hyperledger Fabric. IntellectEU commercially supports Hyperledger Sawtooth, PostgreSQL and Amazon Inc.’s QLDB and its cloud native Aurora database. The company has also made certain that all DAML integrations share similar code configurations allowing easy migration for apps and thus easing development across multiple platforms.

“Clients can move their DAML applications between platforms without recoding, eliminating vendor lock-in and de-risking complex programs,” added Bohner.

Although its usefulness and efficacy are still being explored for numerous industries, blockchain technology’s primary function is to provide a tamper-proof distributed record of transactions that maintains a verifiable history. A layer on top of the blockchain network can provide the ability to execute code in the form of “smart contracts,” and thus layer on business logic, that can take advantage of this verifiable historical record and that requires a coding language.

“Currently, every [blockchain] platform has a smart contract language,” said Kelly Mathieson, chief client experience officer at Digital Asset. DAML ensures developers only focus on business logic without worrying about the underlying ledger’s technology. It also allows enterprises to defer their ledger choice until the application has met the necessary business requirements, creating a better fit of the technology to the use case.”

Developers may gain immediate access to DAML on Corda in a development and testing release today, the general release for production is planned for the third quarter of this year. Enterprise features for mission-critical deployments are expected to roll out by the end of 2020.

Photo: Pixabay

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