Who Said Litecoin (LTC) Has no Development? Charlie Lee the Creator Opens Up

Charlie Lee stated that Litecoin Core 0.20 release will be done before DavidBurkett38’s work on MimbleWimble is ready.  He stated that he expects to see 0.20 first and then a release after which will include MW as Extension Blocks with softfork.

Charlie Lee tweeted:  “Litecoin Core 0.18.1 final release is out! Who says Litecoin has no development? Many thanks to all the developers that worked on this release! We are already hard at work on the next release, Litecoin Core 0.20, which will bring us in line with the latest Bitcoin Core.”

They are further exploring adding Jeremy Rubin’s CTV (Check Template Verify) feature for a softfork.

Lee considers this to be an awesome feature and therefore hoping to deploy this first on Litecoin to eventually test their new smart contract capabilities.

Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert tweeted:  “It looks like Charlie Lee of Litecoin (LTC) opines that there is no need to rush to the moon. Litecoin are enjoying the Ride and View.”

In the big picture, it looked like the Litecoin guys are falling back.  While there is a lot of innovation happening with BTC, ETH and other Stable Coins, it looks like the Litecoin team are in no hurry and they have their own little world mission which they keep executing in their own official pace.

They are not ignorant nor are their anxious to perform in a hurry.  They are adapting to the big picture in their pace. Though not the first, they are not scared to be the last either.  They are clear that they need to perform.

Litecoin LTC Believing in their Own Stars

Coin Market Cap called Charlie Lee their Crypto Titan for this week at SatoshiLite.  They are set to chat on censorship resistance in Bitcoin and Dragon Ball.

For those who do not know, Crypto Titans is a series of personal interviews, which was conducted by Coin Market Cap.  Charlie Lee in the series of talks about Litecoin and how he has been working from home these days on Litecoin Development, believes that crypto and gaming go hand in hand.

The best thing that he expressed was about how he realized as bitcoin grew on what is important and that there are tradeoffs involved and that it is not possible to be perfect for everything.

It looks like the bashers have no better task to do than just bashing those who are working.  Those who are working like the Litecoin LTC team are continuing to work. They are not bothered about what others are thinking, they should do, rather they are believing in their own stars and they are continuing to work their way up.